Saturday, February 19, 2011

Please Stand in the Gap for America Wake Up - Today till Sunday 20th February!

On behalf of other saints like you, I am pleased to invite you to take an active part in America Wake Up! - by standing in the gap for all participants on the frontline. Just by holding up delegates who are converging on Arlington, VA and Washington DC this weekend, you would be playing a strategic part in what God is doing in the now!

America Wake Up! – is the Apostolic & Prophetic Summit where the Remnant of the Lord will invoke the authority of 2 Chronicles 7:13, 14 to stand in the gap for the Lord to have mercy on USA. As the religious right and liberal left square up to destroy America, the onus falls on the remnant to disconnect from these servants of the flesh and pronounce with holy boldness and real spiritual authority "Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will be done in America as in heaven" Matthew 6:10.

Apart from two nights of high wired intercession, prophetic release and worship, starting 6.30pm EST, the remnant will fan across the city to pronounce the ordinance of the Kingdom of God on all monuments and areas of Washington DC.

They will also decree that according to Isaiah 9:6, human governments shall be on the shoulders of Jesus Christ - Yeshua, the Lamb that was slain!

The Kingdom minded Church is the shoulder of Jesus Christ! Rather than complain like the unredeemed around us or join politicians to agitate in the flesh and over heat the nation, our duty is to exercise the awesome keys of the Kingdom in Matthew 16:19 at the place of prayer and spiritual warfare to decree the triumph of Jesus and the Kingdom of God over the devil and plans of evil men.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Sanctification of the Soul: the key to the Kingdom Life

Apostle George 26 January at 15:33
Sanctification of the Soul: the key to the Kingdom Life
As said earlier in this teaching, the human being is made up of three distinct but congruent components – the spirit, soul and body. The soul in turn has three compartments, namely: the Mind; the will and the emotion.

The mind is made up of 1). The intellect which processes information from outside and inside the body, 2). the memory which stores information and 3).the imagination which is the creative base of the soul with capacity to “see” things that are not yet visible and plan their creation just as God does. Every invention of man is a function of the interplay of his intellect, memory and imagination! The mind conceived and created the aircraft flying 40,000 feet above sea level as well as the submarine which carries nuclear war heads 25,000 feet below sea level. The mind created such an outstanding facility as face book as well as the great medical inventions which save lives of millions world-wide.

The mind is a very powerful tool of self preservation. It therefore tends to frame every activity within the context of self. This is the root issue in selfishness and self centeredness’. When the mind is applied to spiritual issues, the result can be devastating: religion, as the pseudo-kingdom movement reveal clearly! When the mind engages with the emotion, a dangerous cocktail that is the spirit of anti-Christ results! Job 11:7-9 and 1 Corinthians 2: 6- 16 shows that we cannot find God through the exertions of the mind. The mind has a natural tendency to think in carnal terms while God demands death of the old man before we can serve Him acceptably. Unfortunately, Satan has successfully caused humans to attempt to serve God out of their minds and emotions rather than in their spirit-man as God desires (John 4:23,24. God demands obedience, not the exertions of our soul! This spiritual blindness leads many to try to circumvent the Holy Scriptures and invent pseudo Kingdom messages which appeal to the human reason. 2 Corinthians 4:1-6.

The Grand Key to spiritual success: Sanctification of the Soul!
Outcome of sanctification in the soul:
The sanctified soul is one which has been dethroned from leadership of the being. As the spirit man takes ascendancy as prime mover of life, it acts according to the dictates and leading of the Holy Spirit. The saint is thus able to live by faith and not by sight as he/she used to do. 2 Corinthians 5:7. These are the base outputs of the soul God wants to deal with and root out of every saint: capacity for jealousy, envy, tendency to take offence over things; easy tendency to be hurt; disappointment when things don’t work out your way; pride of life; desire to be seen; desire to be commended for doing what is normal duty and such like which negate principles of Kingdom life. The sanctified life is one where the supreme love of God takes root as well as love of fellow men. The sanctified soul, for instance, is able to love people of the opposite gender without hidden agendas and can do good out of a pure heart without seeking recognition and reciprocation! The sanctified soul will recognize the limits of your anointing and spiritual gifting and receive others so that the Body of Christ can be built up by what every joint supplies (Ephesians 4:11-16). The sanctified soul does not rebel against authority because there is a right alignment within the being! The sanctified soul knows that people and government does not own you or owe you any favour

Monday, January 24, 2011

Monday Day Break ..

Monday Day Break ..
May you have an exceptionally productive week arising from the quantum of the Presence and favour of God with you! These are reflections I have posted on face book since the early hours of today and late yesterday. Please read, reflect, meditate on them and get intimate with God! It’s the greatest place to be at such a time as this. And as Psalm 91 says, it is the place of absolute security! Enjoy your week in His Presence...

Saints, I just fell in love again - with Jesus of course! I just discovered new dimensions of romantic communion with the Holy Spirit! How out of this world; how utterly mind blowing! In all thy getting, saints, go for this and all the razzle and dazzle of everything you ever had or enjoyed on this side of eternity will fade away! In deep appreciation, I can only say: Lord, have you way and use this vessel as it pleases you!

Beholding the glory of the High and Lifted One; having the privilege to be called into His employment is truly an out of this world experience! Saints, let us rejoice in the Lord and celebrate the awesome privilege of ministering to Him and to His saints!

God is above all else; beyond all knowledge; the I AM who I AM is beyond description! Yet, wait for this: He has given us the privilege of relating with Him as Abba Father! What an awesome privilege: the God of the whole earth is a relational being who yearns for our company! Saints, let us stay connected with Abba - with a right heart where He resides in us!!!
Worship and adoration of God is best expressed in spite of what we do not have yet! At this point the focus is on the person, nature and character of God who is worthy of exaltation on His own merit, notwithstanding the state of our being, finances, health or issues!
GSoM Course 128: Understanding the human nature. We will complete this ground breaking study this week with applications of how the soul can affect spirituality and ministry. Please request for the full course note, absolutely free of charge from Minister Daisy at and you will receive it within 48 hours of completion of the teaching.

You can never succeed in ministry on a sustainable basis if you do not understand your flesh(soul and body) and bring both under subjection to your spirit man which in turn should be under the total leadership and empowerment of the Holy Spirit!

Every great preacher who fell by the wayside or made shipwreck of ministry suffered from the flesh gone burst in one way or the other.
When Satan tempted Eve and Adam, it was essentially to realign their soul and body away from the rightful order that God set them. The moment the soul of Eve and her physical body made the value decision over and above her spirit man to believe the lie of Satan, the fall was a foregone conclusion.

As it was with Adam and Eve, so shall it be with everyone who rejects or mocks the divine invitation to bring the Old man to be crucified with Christ! As our perfect example, Jesus overcame Satan when He was tempted with the same set of issues as Eve after the Baptism of John.
Religion then is simply the process of trying to find and please God with the soul (Mind, Will and Emotion) and physical body which combine to be called the flesh or carnal nature.

Unfortunately, the Kingdom of God is as yet entirely a spiritual one and those who worship God must do so in spirit and in truth!
If there is one truth you need in order to be rightly aligned with God 24/7, it is found in the truth God is downloading to us in GSoM Course 128!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

The End Times and End Game -1 Get Ready; Be on the Watch; Act with full light and unction!

A message to the Elect Remnant found in every nation, among every people group; first released to those at Open Gates 2011 Conference holding at Renaissance Hotel, London Heathrow Airport on Saturday, January 8, 2011 and authorized for public release by 11.11-1-11(11 minutes past 11am, Tuesday, January 11, 2011).

The Greatest Event of All Time – equal only to the incarnation - is the Return of Jesus. As scriptures warn, this event will be swift, on time, spot on and take everybody but the Elect by surprise.
It is a day that has been extensively written on from the Old Testament through the Gospels, Acts of the Apostles, the Epistles and the Book of Revelation. Several specific prophecies have been released through various vessels concerning the Day of the Lord. Take note of the warnings and notices given by Jesus and His Apostles. Matthew 24: 4-14; 23-28; 36-51; Matthew 25:1-13; Luke 19:11-28; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18; 1 Thessalonians 5: 1-11; 2 Thessalonians 2: 1- 12; 2 Peter 3:1-13.

The elect remnant should invest time to do these things:
• A. Diligently search the scriptures to know all the signs that precede and announce the imminence of the return of Jesus. There have been enough earthquakes and other natural disasters as well as wars throughout history. However, those of the times to come will be scripture fulfilling. Principal developments to take note of are

- emergent developments in Science, Information Communication Technology; Research & Development;

- Mass terrorist plots executed simultaneously by religious zealots in many cities, desire to take over specific strategic nations and the quest of some to obtain nuclear arsenal.

- Watch out for developments in Israel, the prophetic hand of God on earth. The recent discovery of a multi-billion natural gas field may well change the equation of peace with its adversaries craving for a taste of the pie.

- Watch out for a peace that the world may seek to impose on Israel and the spiritual significance of nations and personalities advocating it. 1 Thessalonians 5:2-6. Watch out for global consensus concerning the need to split Jerusalem or bring it under UN control as you bear in mind that God chose this city for Himself even before Abraham arrived Canaan (Melchisedek – Genesis 14:18-20).

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Organized Confusion that works together for the purpose of God according to election.

As those who study beyond the surface know, today, January 1 is not the first day of the year in the calendar of God. So also was Jesus not born on December 25; nor was He crucified on Good Friday Nor did He rise from the dead on Easter Sunday. These may sound strange but they are true! However, fighting and splitting hair over these dates, festivities and which calendar is more accurate is not of God! It can only cause more confusion and negate the central question: why did the Great God who is Omnipotent and Omniscient allow men to change times and seasons?

Those who are intimate with God know without doubt that His purpose according to election will always stand, not withstanding what men do or say. People tend to forget that God had already pronounced that there would come a time when times and seasons are changed by an adversarial being. The question is why? From a spiritual point of view, the answer is simple: to ensure that the Day of Days – that singular day, hour and even minute when Jesus the King of Kings would appear is unknown to any man, prognosticator or star gazer!
Just as the Incarnation of Jesus and His Virgin birth was executed in a surprise fashion and the adversaries and friends alike only knew after the fact, so also has it been ordained that EVERY ONE alive on earth will be ignorant of the exact day and hour He will appear in the air to take away His Beloved Church for a brief residency in heaven where He will release crowns, mandates and rewards to those who lived by His ordinance.

Thereafter Jesus will, after the world – including unserious Christians and the pseudo-kingdom crowd which refuses to believe in the importance of His Second Coming have tasted life under the harsh rule of the Anti-Christ – return bodily with the uncountable number of His remnant saints triumphant to put down all rebellion and establish the Millennial Reign with His capital city in Jerusalem! We will speak of these extraordinary things in greater detail in the days ahead for God has instructed that The Church be prepared to understand its eternal destination and the things to come. These, we shall do soon, as the Lord unfolds revelation about the End Times and the End Game of the Human era.

In other words, all things related to the confusion about dates is organized after all! The confusion will lead the hard of heart to miss God. Those whose hearts are right with God will however rise above the hoopla to hear a sound in the distant realms of the spirit: the soft sound from heaven which is sounding with greater decibels: Jesus is returning and soon, for that matter!