Monday Day Break ..
May you have an exceptionally productive week arising from the quantum of the Presence and favour of God with you! These are reflections I have posted on face book since the early hours of today and late yesterday. Please read, reflect, meditate on them and get intimate with God! It’s the greatest place to be at such a time as this. And as Psalm 91 says, it is the place of absolute security! Enjoy your week in His Presence...
Saints, I just fell in love again - with Jesus of course! I just discovered new dimensions of romantic communion with the Holy Spirit! How out of this world; how utterly mind blowing! In all thy getting, saints, go for this and all the razzle and dazzle of everything you ever had or enjoyed on this side of eternity will fade away! In deep appreciation, I can only say: Lord, have you way and use this vessel as it pleases you!
Beholding the glory of the High and Lifted One; having the privilege to be called into His employment is truly an out of this world experience! Saints, let us rejoice in the Lord and celebrate the awesome privilege of ministering to Him and to His saints!
God is above all else; beyond all knowledge; the I AM who I AM is beyond description! Yet, wait for this: He has given us the privilege of relating with Him as Abba Father! What an awesome privilege: the God of the whole earth is a relational being who yearns for our company! Saints, let us stay connected with Abba - with a right heart where He resides in us!!!
Worship and adoration of God is best expressed in spite of what we do not have yet! At this point the focus is on the person, nature and character of God who is worthy of exaltation on His own merit, notwithstanding the state of our being, finances, health or issues!
GSoM Course 128: Understanding the human nature. We will complete this ground breaking study this week with applications of how the soul can affect spirituality and ministry. Please request for the full course note, absolutely free of charge from Minister Daisy at and you will receive it within 48 hours of completion of the teaching.
You can never succeed in ministry on a sustainable basis if you do not understand your flesh(soul and body) and bring both under subjection to your spirit man which in turn should be under the total leadership and empowerment of the Holy Spirit!
Every great preacher who fell by the wayside or made shipwreck of ministry suffered from the flesh gone burst in one way or the other.
When Satan tempted Eve and Adam, it was essentially to realign their soul and body away from the rightful order that God set them. The moment the soul of Eve and her physical body made the value decision over and above her spirit man to believe the lie of Satan, the fall was a foregone conclusion.
As it was with Adam and Eve, so shall it be with everyone who rejects or mocks the divine invitation to bring the Old man to be crucified with Christ! As our perfect example, Jesus overcame Satan when He was tempted with the same set of issues as Eve after the Baptism of John.
Religion then is simply the process of trying to find and please God with the soul (Mind, Will and Emotion) and physical body which combine to be called the flesh or carnal nature.
Unfortunately, the Kingdom of God is as yet entirely a spiritual one and those who worship God must do so in spirit and in truth!
If there is one truth you need in order to be rightly aligned with God 24/7, it is found in the truth God is downloading to us in GSoM Course 128!