Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Sanctification of the Soul: the key to the Kingdom Life

Apostle George 26 January at 15:33
Sanctification of the Soul: the key to the Kingdom Life
As said earlier in this teaching, the human being is made up of three distinct but congruent components – the spirit, soul and body. The soul in turn has three compartments, namely: the Mind; the will and the emotion.

The mind is made up of 1). The intellect which processes information from outside and inside the body, 2). the memory which stores information and 3).the imagination which is the creative base of the soul with capacity to “see” things that are not yet visible and plan their creation just as God does. Every invention of man is a function of the interplay of his intellect, memory and imagination! The mind conceived and created the aircraft flying 40,000 feet above sea level as well as the submarine which carries nuclear war heads 25,000 feet below sea level. The mind created such an outstanding facility as face book as well as the great medical inventions which save lives of millions world-wide.

The mind is a very powerful tool of self preservation. It therefore tends to frame every activity within the context of self. This is the root issue in selfishness and self centeredness’. When the mind is applied to spiritual issues, the result can be devastating: religion, as the pseudo-kingdom movement reveal clearly! When the mind engages with the emotion, a dangerous cocktail that is the spirit of anti-Christ results! Job 11:7-9 and 1 Corinthians 2: 6- 16 shows that we cannot find God through the exertions of the mind. The mind has a natural tendency to think in carnal terms while God demands death of the old man before we can serve Him acceptably. Unfortunately, Satan has successfully caused humans to attempt to serve God out of their minds and emotions rather than in their spirit-man as God desires (John 4:23,24. God demands obedience, not the exertions of our soul! This spiritual blindness leads many to try to circumvent the Holy Scriptures and invent pseudo Kingdom messages which appeal to the human reason. 2 Corinthians 4:1-6.

The Grand Key to spiritual success: Sanctification of the Soul!
Outcome of sanctification in the soul:
The sanctified soul is one which has been dethroned from leadership of the being. As the spirit man takes ascendancy as prime mover of life, it acts according to the dictates and leading of the Holy Spirit. The saint is thus able to live by faith and not by sight as he/she used to do. 2 Corinthians 5:7. These are the base outputs of the soul God wants to deal with and root out of every saint: capacity for jealousy, envy, tendency to take offence over things; easy tendency to be hurt; disappointment when things don’t work out your way; pride of life; desire to be seen; desire to be commended for doing what is normal duty and such like which negate principles of Kingdom life. The sanctified life is one where the supreme love of God takes root as well as love of fellow men. The sanctified soul, for instance, is able to love people of the opposite gender without hidden agendas and can do good out of a pure heart without seeking recognition and reciprocation! The sanctified soul will recognize the limits of your anointing and spiritual gifting and receive others so that the Body of Christ can be built up by what every joint supplies (Ephesians 4:11-16). The sanctified soul does not rebel against authority because there is a right alignment within the being! The sanctified soul knows that people and government does not own you or owe you any favour

This then is the righteousness of the Kingdom which Matthew 6:33 says that we should to seek, even as we yearn for and wait for the return of Jesus to rule and reign. In other words, the Lord calls His own to live in the present for the future! Live in the light of the eternal phase of the Kingdom giving no one and anything no cause to make you to miss the world to come! 1 Peter 2:11.Those who press into this state are able to represent Jesus before men in this present time because they are His Ambassadors to an alien world! 1 Peter 2:9-12; Matthew 5:13-16. He rules and reigns their spirit, soul and body. They have no other agenda than to be yielded vessels through which the King of Kings demonstrates His Person, Character and Power to a dying and lost world. They dare not charge any fee for anyone to receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit God freely blessed them with nor can they afford the dainties and fancies of this present world which will assuredly come to an end one day! This is the Kingdom life which does not consist of food and drink but manifested in righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit! Romans 14:17-19. Saints, in all they getting, get it! Do not be deceived by vain words of those who make the Kingdom of God a one liner and turn it into a doctrine of man!

Two facts stand out clearly:
1. It is the perfect will of God to sanctify us completely in the realm of the soul so that the natural tendency to gravitate towards or yield to sin is rooted out of the saints. This is expressed in 1 Thessalonians 5:23,24; 1 Thessalonians 4:3-8; Philippians 1:6. When that happens, our whole spirit, soul and body is preserved blameless unto the coming of the Lord Jesus. This happens when God restores our spirit man to lead the whole body. The soul with its proclivity to carnality (walking by sight, sound, touch, smell) is subjected to the spirit man which is where the Holy Spirit resides and which lives and walks by faith. God wants us to be in a state of holiness 24/7 because no one knows the hour when Jesus will return. It is the pure in heart who will hear the sound of the Trumpet and “see God” on that day as well as penetrate the spheres of first and second heaven to approach His Throne of Grace in prayer. Hebrews 12:14, 15; Psalm 15:1-5; Psalm 24:3-6.
2. God will not impose sanctification on us. He requires our willing cooperation starting with strong yearning and quest that He do it in our souls. Sanctification thus calls for a DIVINE-HUMAN PARTNERSHIP. Philippians 2:12, 13 – 16 outline our part and the consequences of receiving His touch.

Our part in the process: Yieldedness to the Holy Spirit!

2.1 We should never relax with our salvation experience or base our Kingdom life on the theories and suppositions of men. The Lord wants us to deny ourselves, take up our cross and follow Him to have the self life (also called old man or better still the soul) crucified with Him. When this sanctification experience happens as Paul describes in Galatians 2:20, we no longer live but Christ lives in and through us, manifesting and demonstrating the Kingdom life.
Instant/Crises dimension: Sanctification is a gift from God requiring however deep desire, strong prayers and faith that are released at the place of persistent prayer until the experience comes through. This is the crises dimension of sanctification.
Progressive dimension: All through our lives, we are to allow the Holy Spirit to utilize every challenge, fire, problem to work out in us greater realms of Jesus. It is never ending because we still live in an imperfect world filled with imperfect people, even in the Kingdom. They will knowingly or unknowingly step on our toes. People have lifestyles that are at variance with ours so there will always be things that seek to irritate and agitate us.
We find this progressive sanctification on a fast track if only we heed one critical counsel found in Philippians 2:12 -15: avoid murmuring and disputations when you encounter a challenge or difficulty. Rather believe that God allowed it as an instrument of victory! Even if it was a stumbling block Satan placed to block you, believe that it will become the very pedestal on which God will place you and display His glory in us!

Joseph the son of Jacob understood this principle and turned out to be an outstanding saint who was never bitter with life, even when the turns seemed bad (Genesis 45:1-8) This lifelong dimension was also demonstrated by the outstanding vessel Paul in Philippians 3: 1-16. This is why the Holy Spirit used Paul to pen the immortal words of Romans 8:28-39 and 2 Corinthians 12:7-10. We thus never really arrive until we breath the last breathe! We are progressively wiser, more mature, more patient, more understanding of human frailties both in us and in others! This is a truly humbling thought! If there is one word which sums up our role in the entire process it is this: Yeildedness!

God is pleased when we embrace every challenge that comes our way with equanimity and prayerfully turn them over to Him in full assurance of faith that He will see us through. God wants us to trust that He will not allow any situation beyond our capacity of grace to come upon us 1 Corinthians 10:13. be continued. Please intercede earnestly for us as we tarry in His Presence to download this critical course! If you need the whole course note, please write to Remember to intercede for America Wake Up! in Washington DC and Virginia Feb 18-20.

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