A message to the Elect Remnant found in every nation, among every people group; first released to those at Open Gates 2011 Conference holding at Renaissance Hotel, London Heathrow Airport on Saturday, January 8, 2011 and authorized for public release by 11.11-1-11(11 minutes past 11am, Tuesday, January 11, 2011).
The Greatest Event of All Time – equal only to the incarnation - is the Return of Jesus. As scriptures warn, this event will be swift, on time, spot on and take everybody but the Elect by surprise.
It is a day that has been extensively written on from the Old Testament through the Gospels, Acts of the Apostles, the Epistles and the Book of Revelation. Several specific prophecies have been released through various vessels concerning the Day of the Lord. Take note of the warnings and notices given by Jesus and His Apostles. Matthew 24: 4-14; 23-28; 36-51; Matthew 25:1-13; Luke 19:11-28; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18; 1 Thessalonians 5: 1-11; 2 Thessalonians 2: 1- 12; 2 Peter 3:1-13.
The elect remnant should invest time to do these things:
• A. Diligently search the scriptures to know all the signs that precede and announce the imminence of the return of Jesus. There have been enough earthquakes and other natural disasters as well as wars throughout history. However, those of the times to come will be scripture fulfilling. Principal developments to take note of are
- emergent developments in Science, Information Communication Technology; Research & Development;
- Mass terrorist plots executed simultaneously by religious zealots in many cities, desire to take over specific strategic nations and the quest of some to obtain nuclear arsenal.
- Watch out for developments in Israel, the prophetic hand of God on earth. The recent discovery of a multi-billion natural gas field may well change the equation of peace with its adversaries craving for a taste of the pie.
- Watch out for a peace that the world may seek to impose on Israel and the spiritual significance of nations and personalities advocating it. 1 Thessalonians 5:2-6. Watch out for global consensus concerning the need to split Jerusalem or bring it under UN control as you bear in mind that God chose this city for Himself even before Abraham arrived Canaan (Melchisedek – Genesis 14:18-20).
- Watch out for the emergence of a consensus and well funded movement advocating a New World Order which will offer humanity a way out of self destruction.
- Watch out for the laying out of the master plan for global political, social and economic system which will serve the Anti-Christ based on micro-chip technology. Read Revelation 13: 16-18 repeatedly to understand how the emergent cashless global village will be managed with micro-chips and satellites with precision cameras that will keep everybody in the cross hairs of Big government everywhere.
Revelation 13:16-18 (KJV): And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: 17And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. 18Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
- Be sure that under no circumstances will you receive the chip in your right hand or forehead! Revelation 14:11. Watch how the media will promote this innovation in America and Europe as solution to most of the problems of mankind.
- Watch out for how the titanic clash of self interest by liberals and conservatives in America supported by their religious leaders and allied media will create the gridlock and melt down scenario that will prepare the nation to accept a “man of peace” and pragmatic problem solver. Watch out for that personality who is to come and understand his real mission!
- Watch out for deconstruction of some hitherto powerful nations through rabid ultra nationalism, economic dislocations, social discontentment, political upheavals that will lead to implosion and instability.
- Poverty, food scarcity, Instability, wars, crises and terrorism are all instruments the enemy will use to justify emergence of the anti Christ who will offer the world peace, security, prosperity based on the common cause of man. In the same way the scourge of insecurity and need for financial stability will justify the embrace of the technology through which a cashless and identity secure world will emerge.
- The tendency of fringe groups filled with zeal for God to set dates concerning the return of Jesus is unhelpful as Satan uses their obvious failure based on disobedience to the warning of Jesus to harden hearts of men. In the same fashion, it is unhelpful to the cause of Truth when saints in misguided zeal fight against government policies which confirm prophecies of the end time. The duty of real prophets is to track those developments and use them to illustrate the words already written since worldliness may have made many blind or careless about eternal things. Labelling some human authorities as “the anti-Christ” is not inspired by God and therefore a fleshly endeavour which obscures the real truth. Those who engage in such activities will pay heavily for becoming agents of confusion and Satan. The real anti Christ will emerge after the Saints have been secured by Jesus Christ. In the mean time, his precursors are actively at work to create enabling environment for his emergence and the infrastructure for his rule as a world emperor.
- Watch out for the increasing persecution of Christians; how most of religious and political groups of the world will unite in hatred of the true Faith and real Christians while receiving the fake. The Lord will require saints, including those appointed to martyrdom, to love their enemies and allow the righteous God to recompense those who trouble them.
Global School of Ministry Course 128: Understanding the Human Nature (Spirit, Soul & Body) resumes after release of the Word of Direction for 2011 & beyond. If you missed any lesson or other courses, please request for them at ariseoffice@yahoo.co.uk
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