Equipping the Saints for the Work of the Ministry
The Global School of Ministry is birthed to raise a generation of ministers of the gospel whose singular passion will be restoration of His glory; Christians who will allow the Holy Spirit to work out the Character of Christ and empower them with the anointing to minister to God and His saints!
Expected Outcome
These are vessels that are fit for purpose as co-labourers in the vineyard of the Lord in the last days. These are individuals whose lives bear testimony of the reality of Christ as Lord of the Church and coming King of Kings who is worthy of adoration and service. These are people the Lord will use to bring about His 3-fold Now Agenda:
4Reformation of the Church from organized religion to the original master plan as a living organism of God’s empowered people who are set in their places by the Holy Spirit to release specific gifts, graces and strengths needful for keeping the whole Body in a state of loving mutual edification.
4Restoration of the Lordship of Jesus Christ over the Church as His Body and Bride. This will also require restoration of all the office and leadership gifts (five fold gifts of Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors and Teachers of Ephesians 4:11-12) working in synergy to perfect the saints. It is the Saints that are so perfected that will become witnesses for Christ as they take the Church from the building to the various communities where they are, functioning as His Ambassadors. Christians in the marketplace are a key to true revival!
4Revival will be a logical outcome of a state when God’s people consecrate their all to Him, commit their lives, personalities, money and energies in expanding His Kingdom or sphere of influence any where and every where. In this scenario, God’s people pursue an intimate relationship with Him grounded on yearning for and obeying the Word of God (John 15:14).
Four Ways to Be a Part of the Global School of Ministry:
=Daily Downloads via Facebook or this blog:
- Receive Daily Downloads via posts to this blog.
- If you are on facebook, join the group Global School of Ministry to receive these Daily Downloads in your Inbox.
=Access full curriculum for Personal Online Study:
- Register online at http://www.globalschoolofministry.com/ to access the full curriculum of over 30 courses, teaching notes and interactive quizzes -- all available absolutely FREE of charge!
=Receive training in a Classroom Setting:
- In line with the divine vision of the power of the cell-based movement, teaching centers exist anywhere there are participants who meet the demand of Psalm 50:5. The Global School of Ministry currently has centers in over 76 countries throughout the world!
- In the U.S., live training centers are currently operating in Chicago, IL and Detroit, MI. Training centers will open soon in Columbus, OH and Washington, DC.
- Please contact us if you are led of the Holy Spirit to establish a training center in your area!
=Use the curriculum to support your own training or discipleship initiative!
- In order to fulfill this assignment, every effort has been made to take away any denominational vestige from the training. We have concentrated entirely on the Bible, excluding doctrines of men or dogma of sects.
- We are willing to partner with local congregations or church groups to implement and run this training process within your facilities so that the children of God can be empowered to serve Him productively.
- The only condition we attach is that the training must be delivered free of charge, as God clearly instructed us!
Apostle George and Pastor Grace Akalonu Visionaries and Founders Global School of Ministry |
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