Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Paul and the Ministry of Women

Global School of Ministry 
Course 122 Women in Ministry #2

Did Paul recognize, receive and promote the 
Ministry of Women?

Some people have wrongly branded Paul a woman hater or one who looked down on women. This assertion is simply not true. Paul made a consecration to remain celibate not because he did not like women but because it was a necessary sacrifice for fulfilment of his awesome assignment within the limited years God assigned to him on earth. By the grace of God, he successfully fulfilled his ministry while still in his 60’s and embraced death with joy! 1 Corinthians 7: 1,7, 8, 25,26, 29-33;2 Timothy 4: 6 – 8.
Paul recognized, received and promoted actively, the ministry of women. Paul was properly taken care of in various cities by holy women of God who recognised and supported his ministry. These include but are not limited to:

1. Priscilla. This woman and her husband Aquila were tent makers. In Corinth, they met with Paul and became part of a holy company of ministry partners Acts 18: 1-3. The next thing we hear of this remarkable couple is that they became instruments of making a true disciple out of Apollos, who was to become a notable Apostle! Acts 18: 24 – 26. In effect, Priscilla “taught a man” and was commended for doing so by Paul.
In Romans 16:3, 4, Paul describes the couple as “my co-workers in the ministry of Christ Jesus”. Paul took note of their remarkable ministry with him also in 1 Corinthians 16:19 and 2 Timothy 4:19. The couple were among those who built up the house church system and were the earliest practitioners of active couples in ministry Romans 16:5.

2.Phoebe. This remarkable woman was a Deacon in the Church at Cenchrea. She served so well and in total consecration that Paul sent an outstanding recommendation concerning her to the Church in Rome.

3.Mary, Tryphena, Tryphosa, Persis were part of the company of women who secured niches for being active co-laborers with Paul. Romans 16: 6, 12.

4.Junia, a woman, was recognized as an apostle and senior in the faith to Paul. Romans 16: 7.

5.Euodia and Synthyche were commended by Paul for labouring with him in the gospel. Philippians 4:2, 3.

Women and the Ministry of Jesus Christ
Before Paul, Jesus Christ received active ministry from women.
Mary, who God chose to be the Woman to bear the prophesied Seed of Genesis 3:15. She had the privilege of receiving a divine implant in her womb by the Holy Spirit Luke 1:26-35. The intricacy and sheer sensitivity of this spiritual operation signalled the end of the age old reproach which women hood bore for the original sin of Eve! By making the Messiah a Seed of the Woman and not a product of the seed (sperm) of a man, heaven was announcing that the sin gene was actually transmitted through Adam and the men after him! This conforms to the law of responsibility as was eloquently penned by Paul in Romans 5: 12 – 21. It is significant that God would complete dealing with Mary and later informed Joseph only when the pregnancy showed Matthew 1: 18 -25! God, please grant us wisdom to understand what you are saying in the now!

Throughout His ministry, Jesus broke all the barriers which the religious system set as barricades against women. Anna, the Old Prophetess was one of the first three outside Mary and Joseph to recognize who Jesus was Luke 2: 36 – 38. Before her, Elizabeth, mother of John the Baptist had recognized that the baby in the womb of Mary was not ordinary! Luke 1: 39 – 45. As Jesus grew up, He made clear to Mary and others that acceptance to God was not based on family pedigree but rather on acceptance of the Word He declared Mark 3: 31 -35.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

What is the Role of Women in Ministry? Why did Paul charge Women to be Silent in Church?

Global School of Ministry Course 122
Women in Ministry:  Introduction and Context

General Introduction
One of the most controversial aspects of the bible is the interpretation of two Pauline exhortations concerning women and public ministry. We are commanded to compare scripture with scripture to understand the full counsel of God on any subject matter.

This course then takes a holistic view of all the commands of scripture to establish the mind of God that women are called to minister just as their male counterparts. To properly understand the mind of God, it will do us well to heed the counsel in Isaiah 28: 10,13. That way, we can lay out each precept upon a preceding one to comprehend the whole mind of God concerning this sensitive subject.

To do justice to the subject matter, these issues are put under the spotlight:

Critical Questions
• What was the context in which Paul charged women to be silent in church at Ephesus (1Timothy 2: 9-14)
• Did Paul recognize, receive and promote the ministry of women?
• What is the biblical basis of women to function in ministry?
• What constraints to women ministry are worthy of consideration
• What are peculiar weaknesses which women in ministry must recognize and deal with at the cross to ensure the fullness of spiritual liberty?
• Balancing demands of home, ministry, career, etc.
• Peculiar pitfalls to avoid in women ministry.
What was the context in which Paul charged women to be silent in Church?
Of all the Mission fields in which Paul laboured Ephesus ranks among the most challenging. Here, the apostle to the gentiles encountered the worship of one of the ancient wonders of the world, the giant statute of Diana, the goddess of the land (also known by the Greek term, Artemis).

The worship of this idol was rocked by the preaching of the gospel of the Kingdom to the extent that one of its devotees, Demetrius stirred up a riot against Paul Acts 19:1- 41. The Church that was planted out of spiritual warfare, power evangelism and deep teaching on the nature and identity of saints and the New Testament Church was an exceptional one as can be seen from the epistle to the Ephesians.

Unfortunately, false teachers who had backslidden from the truth preyed on this vibrant church! In Acts 20: 17-38, Paul addressed the leadership of the Church to warn them of the impending effects of false teachers. Those false teachers were to wreak havoc on the church so much so that when Jesus appeared to John at the Island of Patmos, He found the church wanting in a vital area: loss of first love Revelation 2: 1-7.

Paul was so concerned for the Church in Ephesus to have the right oversight that he posted his trusted protégé, Timothy as its first Bishop Philippians 2:19 – 24; 1 Timothy 1: 1- 4. Jewish women who embraced eternal life in Christ were coming into a pure culture shock. Gentile women were loose in morals, had unbridled freedom to do whatever they pleased and were generally given to fashion that was seductive in nature. Many were essentially wild and controlling. Because of the influence of the goddess Diana, women saw themselves as liberated to live anyhow. The Church that was planted in this environment needed to understand some principles of the Kingdom. Those principles Paul instructed Timothy to teach had to do with moderation in fashion and the need for order and respect for lines of authority in the House of God.

It is against this background that Paul gave the instructions in 1 Timothy 2: 9 – 14. Broken down, they postulate as follows:
1. Decent and appropriate clothing should be worn by women who professed faith in Christ so that their liberty does not occasion stumbling in brothers who may still be in transition to spiritual growth.

2. Women, who were coming into the faith of Christ, were instructed to concentrate on studying rather than seek to teach and instruct 1 Timothy 2: 11 – 12. For Jewish women in the city, this was an extraordinary opportunity since in the synagogues; they were basically on the margins. Faith in Christ had broken down the middle wall of partition and they were now given the opportunity to diligently study the word of God.

3. To drive home his point, Paul pointed out what happened in the Garden of Eden when Eve upset the line of authority God had created for them, by passing Adam to converse with the stranger, Satan who took the form of a serpent 1 Timothy 2:13,14. This allusion was tied to the fact that false teachers who had reared their ugly heads in Ephesus were targeting women first and may have made some progress in their nefarious designs.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

What is Money? How Useful is Money in Establishing and Expanding the Kingdom of God?

Global School of Ministry Course 125
Finance and Stewardship in the Household of God

Having laid the foundation, let us now break down this life application course. The Global School of Ministry Course 125 will cover some core issues. The course examines the place of money in God’s house. Avoiding the outlandish claims of the prosperity gospel, this course presents a biblical perspective of the role of money in the church and how God finances His own assignments as a matter of obligation, choosing whom it pleases Him to use as vessel.
Critical Questions
We will thus answer these critical questions:
  • What is money?
  • How useful is money in establishing and expanding the Kingdom?
  • How are finances of the Kingdom generated?
  • What are tithes, offerings, covenant seed?
  • Can some offerings and fund raisings honour and dishonour God?
  • Who should handle finances in the household of faith?
  • When mammon seats on the High Altar: signs that something has gone wrong.
  • Should you continue to "sow" into a ministry whose practices and lifestyle dishonour the name and integrity of our Lord Jesus Christ?
What is Money?
Simply put, money is a means of exchange. By this we mean the way the world is organized, monetary value is put on many of the things that are done to sustain life on earth. When somebody goes to work, value is placed on the education, experience, skills and time the individual expends in the work place. That value translates into wages or salary paid at the end of the week, fortnight or month.
In the same vein, an individual may have a creative idea and translates it into a work of art. When people who need that product place a particular value thereon, it translates into how much they are willing to pay to possess it.
Using the same analogy, when a person has a business idea to meet a particular need or add value to what people receive from other businesses, the price tag that is placed on what they have done becomes their compensation. When the sum total of their gross sales exceeds the investments they made to develop and market the product or service, the difference is called return on investment, or profit.
Money, therefore, is the modern way to pay for a skill, business idea, service or product. From a Kingdom perspective, this is where the problem lies. Many people, including well meaning saints, tend to focus their attention on the particular channel or activity through which money comes into their hand as the source of the money. Once this notion takes root in the mind, corruption occurs immediately; and in the eyes of God, the person is engaged in idolatry.
The activity through which money comes is not the source of the money. It is a mere channel! There could be various channels through which money comes into the hand of a child of God. However, there should be no doubt or equivocation as to the source of money. Money is a gift from God. Jehovah Jireh is the One who alone provides all things, including money, for His saints to meet their needs and those of others!
Deuteronomy chapters 8 and 28:1-4 are beautiful scriptures which reveal the covenant commitment of God to provide for His own. In Deuteronomy 8:18, we learn that it is God who gives His people power to get wealth, which is used to establish His covenant with His people.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Finance and Stewardship in the Household of God - Preamble

Global School of Ministry Course 125

Two extremes have defined the attitude toward money in the household of faith. As we now proceed from looking at Jehovah Jireh, our God who provides, to discuss the issues of finance and stewardship in His house, it may be necessary to outline in detail, some of the features of those two extreme positions and their impact on saints.

The Holiness Movement

The first negative attitude is that of scorn and disdain for money, championed largely by the Holiness Movement. The Holiness Movement tried to "help God" by inserting words He never put in the Holy Writ. Where 1 Timothy 6:10 says, “The love of money is the root of all evil,” the Holiness Movement made it out through various preaching and teachings that money in itself is evil. So saints were scared of money in itself and thought that the best way to show practical holiness was to live in and celebrate lack!

Poverty was thus given free rein to the point of developing a tap root of systemic lack which has plagued generations of saints till today, even though they had sound testimonies of genuine salvation. The evidence of this state of affairs is the large army of begging saints on various social media using all kinds of strategies to seek support -- not for kingdom advancement, but for basic sustenance.

We all must realize that our spirit man transitions instantaneously on conversion from darkness to light and from death to life eternal in Christ Jesus. As we grow in grace, giving the Holy Spirit right of way, He uses the Word and circumstances of life to sanctify our souls wholly. Our physical body however, is substantially prospered (or not) depending on our understanding and applications of the laws of holistic prosperity.
If the physical body is not given the right balance of nutrients, exercise and rest, it will decay or crumble. If we put a yoke that God did not give us on the physical body, it will snap, and the spirit and soul can be negatively affected.

Undue poverty can therefore rank equally with ingestion of liquor, cigarette, drugs and other harmful substances and immorality, as abuse of the BODY which happens to be the Temple of the Holy Spirit! Our body was bought with a great price by the precious blood of Jesus Christ; and so we must ensure that it is not misused or overstressed by, among other things, poverty, which is not a virtue in itself! 1 Corinthians 6:18-20.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Six Categories of People Jehovah Jireh Wants to Empower

Global School of Ministry
Introducing Jehovah Jireh - #7

Truth No. 7: Jehovah Jireh needs extended hands through which He manifests His Kingdom authority and sufficiency in the now on earth!

This thought certainly sounds out of this world and it truly is! The God who sits on the Throne of Majesty is looking for human vessels on earth through which He will manifest His person and nature. On the other hand, He is looking for vessels through whom He demonstrates the sufficiency of His Kingdom as a tangible entity in itself!

The Kingdom of God is real; but in this present time, it is manifested through individuals who wilfully respond to the invitation of the King of Kings. Luke 17:21. In this present life, although such citizens of the Kingdom live with others who are not part of it, their source of sustenance is their King -- not their jobs, businesses or other mundane activities of life.

Citizens of the Kingdom are called not to love this world, but to be separate from it according to 2 Corinthians 6:14-18 and 1 John 2:15-17. That we are a Kingdom separate from the world around us is sealed by this revelation in 1 John 5:19: “We know that we are of God, and the whole world lies under the sway of the wicked one.”

The Lord is serious about this search, because the days of dropping manna or quails from the sky ended with the wilderness experience of Israel. We are in a dispensation when God has purposed to work through human vessels to deliver His personality and goodness. Those human vessels are essentially ambassadors of His Kingdom, who need to demonstrate its self sufficiency. Ambassadors depend on their home countries and its leader, not their hosts, for sustenance. We are a “sent people,” and He who sent us has all that it takes to sustain us and decorate our lives to manifest His glory! John 15:16; John 17:9, -18, 20; Acts 1:8.

Let us remind ourselves what was shared in Truth No.6:
“In His own Word, God states that He gave this very piece of real estate called planet earth to man as an inheritance! Genesis 2:15; Psalm 115:16. For that reason, God, who exalts His Word above His own name, has a track record of doing things on earth in partnership with mankind!”

Today, we shall examine six profiles of the kind of saints God is actively looking for to supernaturally empower as vessels of manifesting His personality and His Kingdom wealth. When the Lord finds such people, He uses them as channels of distributing His largesse to the less fortunate both in the household of faith and in the society so that none of His creation will suffer lack.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Jehovah Jireh - More Irrefutable Truths

Global School of Ministry
Introducing Jehovah Jireh - #6

Truth No. 4: While hard work is good, it is not the best way to receive from Him!

Hard work is certainly good. It is the ethical way to be blessed. Sweat through any mountain and it will give way. Put your biceps against any challenge and it will be moved. After expending strength, sweat and grit, you will be rewarded with the prize of success!

This model of getting blessed has ample support in the Holy Writ. It was the order God Himself instituted after the fall of man! In Genesis 3:17 – 19, God pronounced this verdict on mankind, following the repudiation of His original plan that Adam and Eve would simply live by His Grace:

“Cursed is the ground for your sake; In toil you shall eat of it all the days of your life. Both thorns and thistles it shall bring forth for you. And you shall eat the herb of the field. In the sweat of your face you shall eat bread till you return to the ground. For out of it you were taken; for dust you are and to dust you shall return.”
Running through the book of Proverbs are various passages which extol diligence and hard work. Those who are diligent will stand before princes and kings, not mean men!

Beyond hard work, there is another surer route to the top. It is the way of “favour”. The way of favour is paved by grace or the unmerited goodness of God. Favour gives you what you are unqualified for; favour takes you beyond your natural capacity; favour causes men to give you a job or rise first before even asking for your credentials. Favour is what we need saints, to tap into the best that Jehovah Jireh has to offer!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Irrefutable Truths About This Very God!

Global School of Ministry
Introducing Jehovah Jireh - #5

In continuation of our discourse on Jehovah Jireh, let us today focus intensely on some irrefutable truths about this very God we speak of. If what we share seems elementary, please bear with us because there is virtue in simplicity!

Truth No.1: He created and owns everything.

It may sound trite, but please chuck out every religiosity and grasp the bare truth that the God you have to do with is the Possessor of Heaven and earth! Let your mind and heart be filled with this consciousness that He created all things by the exercise of His will, declaration of His tongue and in the case of mankind, by the exercise of His own craftsmanship! See Genesis 1: 1 – 31; Genesis 2:4 – 9. Abraham, father of the faithful had an awesome revelation of God as Creator and Possessor of Heaven and earth when he was still Abram.

Kingdom Principles of Greatness

The Kingdom has clear principles of greatness which are opposite to those of the world as we saw with Jesus, Paul and Wesley! In the Kingdom, we die to live; those who will lead stoop low to serve; to receive, we release what we have; our fulfilment does not come from abundance of assets but fulfilling the divine purpose! Rom.14:17,18

John Wesley -- A Failure?

Another vessel carnal believers and the world would consider a grand failure is John Wesley. Abandoning his privileged background as an academic and son of an Anglican minister, He was used of God to catalyse the priesthood of all saints. Yet he suffered an extremely bad marriage and died empty!

Paul of Tarsus -- A Failure?

The world and prosperity preachers would also consider Paul of Tarsus a grand failure! Paul lost his manhood by consecration, had neither wife nor children, and labored to sustain himself. The man who worked miracles had an enduring bad eye; the one before whom Satan quaked suffered without measure. He faced rebels, was abandoned and criticized needlessly. Yet Paul is one of the faith worthies of all time!

By Worldly Standards, Jesus was a Grand Failure!

By worldly standards, Jesus was a grand failure: born in a manger, had no property, could be so hungry to curse a fig tree, was executed like a common criminal and could not afford a personal grave. Out of multitudes who flocked His meetings, only 120 remained! Yet, no leader captivates like Him till today with 2.4 billion folks claiming connection to Him!

True Greatness in Christ

The sure proof of true greatness in Christ is not the ability to preach powerfully. It is rather the capacity to be used of Him to reproduce Himself in those He brings our way! If any would compete with you, let it be in how many people are assisted to become sons of the Great King! Let true leaders emerge who will not gather crowds but disciple, empower and release saints! Therein lies the path of glory!

The Best Model of Leadership!

Jesus, not Wall Street, offers the best model of leadership! Jesus had His confidante, John; the "inner circle" of Peter, James & John; the 12 disciples who He poured Himself into; the 70 He sent out 2 by 2; the 120 who waited for the Holy Spirit; and the miracle & bread eating multitude! Each one secured his or her place by consecration. Saints, let us allow people to find their niche with us by the same principle!

The Mark of True Greatness...

True greatness is conferred by the Lord as a gift of grace, when He causes you to wear Jesus like a mantle! The yoke of Christ on you will attract the same kind of people who were for and against Him! Can you identify your Peter, James, John and Judas Iscariot? If not, why not?

The High Cost of Greatness

Greatness comes at a great cost! People shall speak evil of you, be jealous and envious. There will be friends and even brethren who will plot evil and lie in wait against your destiny. False brethren will flock to you like bees! Consider Joseph, David, Paul and even Jesus! Do you still want to be great? Then ask God to first give you the grace to absorb all knocks and still forgive and love even the unlovable.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The Book of Seeds

The ordination and release event in Hornchurch, London yesterday was something else! To God be all the glory and we may have time in future to share, as the Lord leads. Great was the victory the Lord wrought by His own stretched forth arm as the spirit of religion was further routed yesterday! Due to a scheduled meeting today within the city of London, I was unable to download a continuation of the message of the Lord on Jehovah Jireh, our Great Provider. Unknown to me, the Lord had already chosen to speak through another vessel, Susan O'Mara at the Birthing Chamber. Read and apply these principles to your every day life...
Apostle George

The Book Of Seeds
Susan O'Marra
The Birthing Chamber
Monday, November 8, 2010

In the vision, I saw the Lord in heaven with a book. The Lord was standing before a great table. On the table were 2 books. One book was larger than the other one. The Lord was reaching for the smaller book. He picked it up and said, “This is My Book of Seeds.” He opened it up, and the words on the pages began to lift up from the pages and formed into small seeds. They were shining seeds that rested on the pages of the book.

He said, “Every word that I have ever spoken has the life within it to be fulfilled. But not every word that I have spoken has. They await their timing to come forth. I have not limited their timing for fulfillment. Man has. I determined that man would live every day by My Word. The Word that comes from My Mouth and from My Hands. My Word is Seed. It is to be planted every day into you. Then that Word will sprout and come forth as I have intended it to. But men limit Me by their hardness of heart and unbelief. My Word then returns to Me where it remains to be fulfilled. I have shown you this before. I am showing you this again. I want My Words to live. I want My People to live. I am sending My Fire to the earth even more to bring forth a Harvest of all of the remaining seeds. My Seeds will give birth and they will bear fruit, for it is written and established before Me as a Covenant for all generations.”

Then the Lord reached for the larger book. He picked it up, and said, “This is the Book of Needs. This represents the needs that My People bring to Me. You can see by the size, that it is much larger than the Book of Seeds. This cannot be! I never intended that My people’s needs would be greater than the Seeds that I have given to them in My Word to apprehend. I have made provision for them, and My Word is available to bring it forth. But men look to their needs more than to My Seeds. My Word. My Word is alive, and I have sent it forth to water the earth and to nourish them by. I water it daily as they eat it and take heed to it. I naturally flow out from My Word to create all that is needed daily. But their hearts are not looking to My Word, but to their needs. This must change. I am releasing Fire to bring clarity back to their hearts and to their eyes. I will purge out all that is clouding their vision and that is cluttering up their lives. I want truth in their inward parts.”

The Lord then looked at Me and said, “When My Book of Seeds is larger than your Book of Needs, then you shall walk in My Abundance, in My Life, and in My Divine Provision for your life. When you cast your cares upon Me and trust in Me with all of your heart, then I shall meet your every need. Then I will have only one Book on My table. My Book of Seeds will be the only Reality. Then I can manifest it all and bring forth true abundance and life in every way. You are to receive My Fire and let it burn till I am your only desire. Then the Flames of My Word will burn higher and higher and the Life within the Seed will bring forth its Kind within your mind. Your thoughts will become My Thoughts and your ways will align to My ways, and you shall walk in My Full Life the length of your days.”

The Lord then said to me to look up Seeds in the Word. So I did a search and these were the references:

Genesis 1:11 And God said, “Let the earth sprout vegetation, plants yielding seed, and fruit trees bearing fruit in which is their seed, each according to its kind, on the earth.” And it was so. Ps. 104:14

Genesis 1:12 The earth brought forth vegetation, plants yielding seed according to their own kinds, and trees bearing fruit in which is their seed, each according to its kind. And God saw that it was good.

Genesis 1:29 And God said, “Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the face of all the earth, and every tree with seed in its fruit. You shall have them for food. ch. 9:3; Ps. 104:14, 15; 145:15, 16

Genesis 3:15 I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and her offspring; he shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise his heel.” Rom. 16:20; Heb. 2:14; Rev. 20:1-3, 10; Isa. 7:14; Mic. 5:3; Matt. 1:23, 25; Luke 1:34, 35; Gal. 4:4; 1 Tim. 2:15

Exodus 16:31 Now the house of Israel called its name manna. It was like coriander seed, white, and the taste of it was like wafers made with honey. Num. 11:7, 8

Numbers 11:7 The manna looked like small coriander seeds, and it was pale yellow like gum resin. 8 The people would go out and gather it from the ground. They made flour by grinding it with hand mills or pounding it in mortars. Then they boiled it in a pot and made it into flat cakes. These cakes tasted like pastries baked with olive oil. 9 The manna came down on the camp with the dew during the night. Ex 16

Then the Lord said to look up Manna:

Manna/ Bdellium: Bdellium is an aromatic gum like myrrh that is exuded from a tree."In the region called Aria there is a thorn tree which produces a tear of resin, resembling myrrh in appearance and odour. It liquifies when the sun shines upon it."The word bedolach occurs only twice in the Bible. The first is in Genesis 2:12, where it is described as a product of the land of Havilah; the context has led some readers to link bedolach with pearls or other precious stones.

Bdellium is mentioned once again, as something familiar, in Numbers 11:7, where manna is compared to it in color: "Now the manna was like zera gad [coriander seed], and its appearance as the appearance of bedolach."

Genesis 2:10 A river flowed out of Eden to water the garden, and there it divided and became four rivers. 11The name of the first is the Pishon. It is the one that flowed around the whole land of Havilah, where there is gold. 12And the gold of that land is good; bdellium (pearl) and onyx stone are there.

NLT 11 The first branch, called the Pishon, flowed around the entire land of Havilah, where gold is found. 12 The gold of that land is exceptionally pure; aromatic resin and onyx stone are also found there.

The Lord then led me to Psalms 104:

The Spirit of God is again hovering over the earth. He is seeking out His earthen vessels that will give birth to His Divine Seed.He is seeking those that will believe in His Promises. He is seeking those who will eat from that which comes out of His Mouth unto them. He is seeking those who will not move from that Word, until it is manifested in the earth. He is renewing the face of their ground, their inheritances now. His Spirit, His Breath is igniting every seed, and every Word that He has spoken concerning them shall be accomplished. The Books have been opened, and His Kingdom has come, and His Will shall be done in the earth, through His People, as they walk with Him. The Fiery Rain has begun. It shall burn up all, and ignite into full flame those that have made themselves ready, and who have remained steadfast in their faith. Nothing shall be impossible to those that believe. His Promises are yes and amen. The breaking forth of every seed has begun, and the People of God shall shine like the SON. The Promises of God are for you and for your children, whom the Lord has given unto you. Walk in them!

Psalms 145:

Leviticus 26:16 then I will do this to you: I will visit you with panic, with wasting disease and fever that consume the eyes and make the heart ache. And you shall sow your seed in vain, for your enemies shall eat it. Deut. 28:21; Deut. 28:33, 51; Job 31:8; Jer. 5:17; Mic. 6:15

Exodus 16:1 - 36. Please read in full.

-Susan O’Marra

Monday, November 8, 2010

Kislev: The Gate of Faithfulness

The Lord used Apostle Vance & Debbie Russell of Arise Ministries International in Austin, Texas to speak into the life of my wife and I since He connected us nearly 10 years ago. They serve as our mentors to whom we hold ourselves accountable in life and ministry according to Romans 13:1-7.

Two years ago, the Lord downloaded an awesome revelation of how saints can obtain victory in their personal lives, ministry and business by understanding the dynamics of time and season. The Lord then began to unfold the significance of each of the months in the Hebraic calendar and how we can possess the gate of each month by first applying life principles to our own hearts.

The outcome of the revelation they received from the Lord is the spiritual block buster, Victory at the Gates. It is available in print and as an ebook via their website www.ariseministries.com

Let us receive the revelation concerning the Hebraic month of Kislev
which runs from
November 7 to December 6:

The Gate of Faithfulness

Month of Kislev
November 7th ~ December 6th, 2010

Welcome friends to the Gate of Faithfulness! Here are a few details that I would like to share with you about this gate.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Revelation Begets Trust

Global School of Ministry: Introducing Jehovah Jireh
Lesson 3

Those of us who are privileged to be adopted into the household of faith as sons must never forget that there is a particular foundation on which we rest. It is not the pomposity of Rome and its offsprings -- all the religious "isms" of this world. It is also not Judaism and the Mosaic law.

Our roots go deeper to a man in whom God found the single thing which was lost in Adam and Eve at the Garden: a revelation of who He is as Jehovah Jireh, the Great Provider and sustainer of His own. That revelation, when it is firm and sure in an individual, inspires absolute trust in God, the very basis of any meaningful walk with God.

It was essentially this childlike trust in God that Adam and Eve lost when the adversary came to tempt them in Eden. If careful thought is given to events of that dark day in the checkered history of humanity, we will not find it difficult to see that the core essence of the temptation at Eden was to cause mankind to mistrust God, believe Satan and trust in self! Read Genesis 3: 1-7 carefully and this hidden truth will immediately scream at you!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

When El Shaddai Became Jehovah Jireh

Global School of Ministry: Introducing Jehovah Jireh
Lesson 2

It borders on the absurd that we should be convincing any saint of the goodness and benevolence of God! The reason for this assertion is that this aspect of God ought to be of elementary knowledge to all His children! Unfortunately, saints of God have been weaned on the twin toxic poisons of religion and the so-called Prosperity Movement!

To believe in the creation account of Genesis chapters 1 and 2 and not see this fundamental nature and attribute of God is to stretch unbelief too far! Let us throw a bombshell here: before any other attribute of God is mentioned directly or inferred, Genesis takes us to the deeper recesses of the mindset of a God who yearns to bless, provide and care for a creature that He was yet to create -- mankind! In effect (hold your breath), God is primarily a Benevolent, Caring and Providing Being who made all things available for man out of His Own goodness.

Travel the time capsule with us to the very beginning. Genesis chapter 1 provides an illuminating presentation of a God who goes out of the way to prepare the exact ecosystem needed to sustain life on this particular planet called Earth. It goes on to show how God used the first five days to put in place all that the human He would create would require to survive on this planet!

Introducing Jehovah Jireh

Global School of Ministry: Introducing Jehovah Jireh
Lesson 1

Over the past few days, the Lord has been tugging at my heart the fact that His people need to know that part of Him which is covered, misrepresented, and at times contentious when presented in a way that is out of balance.

It is not that the Great Potentate and Creator of the Universe and all that are therein needs any introduction. However, when we consider how men have severely misrepresented Him and used whatever aspect of Him to advance their fancy causes, the necessity for a holistic understanding of God becomes imperative.