Introducing Jehovah Jireh - #5
In continuation of our discourse on Jehovah Jireh, let us today focus intensely on some irrefutable truths about this very God we speak of. If what we share seems elementary, please bear with us because there is virtue in simplicity!
Truth No.1: He created and owns everything.
It may sound trite, but please chuck out every religiosity and grasp the bare truth that the God you have to do with is the Possessor of Heaven and earth! Let your mind and heart be filled with this consciousness that He created all things by the exercise of His will, declaration of His tongue and in the case of mankind, by the exercise of His own craftsmanship! See Genesis 1: 1 – 31; Genesis 2:4 – 9. Abraham, father of the faithful had an awesome revelation of God as Creator and Possessor of Heaven and earth when he was still Abram.
Armed with this knowledge, Abram went to war with only three hundred and eighteen of his own trained servants to successfully rescue his nephew,
“I have raised my hand to the Lord, God Most High, the Possessor of heaven and earth, that I will take nothing, from a thread to a sandal strap, and that I will not take anything that is yours, lest you should say, 'I have made Abram rich.' ”The confidence that Abram had in God as his sole source affected his attitude to everything.
That the Lord Himself wants us to walk with this same consciousness can be gleaned from the words of Melchizedek, King of Salem in his epic encounter with Abram when he was returning from that same battle in Genesis 14: 18 - 20. The personality who Hebrews 7: 1-4 revealed as a case of one of the theophanies or physical revelations of God intoned in Genesis 14:19,
May we, saints of the Last Days, catch this same revelation that the God we serve, even the One who invites and qualifies us to call Him Abba, is loaded!“Blessed be Abram of God Most High, Possessor of heaven and earth”.
If we know, in our inward parts, that truly He created and owns all things, we cannot esteem His blessings more than Himself. We cannot behave like orphans abandoned to our own devices by an unfeeling, impersonal and uncaring God. We will rather face our tomorrows with great confidence; our prayer lives will shift from the “give me” whining and complaints to a life which rests in Him. Our prayer lives will change dramatically as we come to Him on the basis of a secure relationship as our heavenly Father!
This was the point Jesus was making when He was teaching us the way to pray effectively with the pattern in Matthew 6:9-15. Note that prefacing His model is the relational phrase “Our Father in heaven.”
Truth No. 2: All wealth on earth belongs to Him and He dispenses to whosoever He wills.
This again, is a fact we must grasp and cling to. Whether you are broke, struggling or just scrapping by does not and cannot change this reality. He owns the cattle on a thousand hills. All good and perfect things belong to Him and are released by Him. The truth is that God has a will. His will is inviolable, a reality that we humans inherited. The difference between our will and His, however, is that the will of Jehovah Jireh is not subject to any external situation or circumstance.
Translated to real life, God cannot be intimidated or coerced. Tears cannot do it, neither the multitude of words spoken in prayer. This seems a tough one to say, but the truth is that prayer does not change the will of God! Prayer is meant to mid-wife the will of God, not control it! That is why the best prayer warrior is the one who sets out first to know the will of God and then proceeds to ask according to that revealed will! 1 John 5:14, 15. This is the grand secret of true prayer which has eluded many good, but ignorant saints who have been fed the noxious doctrine that prayer can fetch them ANYTHING THEY IMAGINE AND WANT. This is simply untrue!
The will of God, however, is not grievous; neither is it obscure or hidden. God is a benevolent Being and His will is explicitly stated, in broad terms in the Holy Scriptures! Those who are serious about knowing His will need not go far to the religious cities of
Beyond the living Word is the reality that each of us is a living temple of the Holy Spirit of God where He who Created heaven and earth resides. 1 Corinthians 6:19. If only we can slow down from our fast paced activities; if only we can make it a priority to wait on Him; if only we deem it absolutely necessary to hear and know the will of God before proceeding to ask anything from Him or to put a step forward on anything or project, there is no doubt that we will hear clearly from God!
His sheep are ordained to hear His voice and to have the capacity to avoid the snares of “other voices” or the voice of the enemy. John 10:27. The grand secret of how to worship God in spirit and in truth is to allow the Holy Spirit to develop a deep bond of relationship between us and Jesus so much so that we dare not think outside the scope of what He allows.
Truth No. 3. God releases His blessing to all of His creation, regardless of proximity!
This sounds strange, but is very true! All of the creations of God receive of His charitable heart. Yes, even unbelievers and agnostics receive good things from Him. Jesus puts it this way in Matthew 5:45, “...for He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good”, and sends rain on the just and the unjust”.This aspect of Jehovah Jireh riles religious people to no end. The religious spirit would expect God to bless those who call on His name and punish those who do not. Unfortunately, this is not so.
A classic example of the graciousness of God and His willingness to bless all, irrespective of their personal devotion to Him is found in the way He blessed Ishmael and his offspring with stupendous wealth following the plaintive cries of Hagar. Till today, descendants of Ishmael are still enjoying the quantum of wealth released to them by Jehovah Jireh, even though they reject Him and His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ! Genesis 16: 1-16; Genesis 21: 8-20. Not many people have also considered the depth and breadth of the compassion of God even on Cain, the first murderer on earth who was clearly an outlaw. Genesis 4: 1 – 15.
The goodness of God ought to lead its recipients to repentance. When they do not respond positively, His goodness stands as a witness against them on the last day!
To ask God to bless you and withhold His goodness from any other creature of His, no matter what you think they did to you is to come to equity with unclean hands! Purveyors of so called “dangerous prayers” must beware, for the Lord whom we have to do with is not a boy that we can order around! The God of the whole universe is not a bouncer we can retain to do the dirty job of dealing with our real or imagined “enemies!” He could well decide to bless them, in spite of our angry prayers!
To be continued...
Wow! This is a wonderful commentary concerning the generosity of God. We have been so hoodwinked by our learning institutions, bad doctrine, and the lack of reading our bibles we have missed the mark. Thank God for his mercy we can reeducate ourselves through pray,fasting, and reading our word to draw near to him and learn how to really walk up right before God and not walk in the council of the ungodly but to listen and know true men and women of God and learn. Good job my brother may God continue to bless you with wisdom and understanding.