Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Introducing Jehovah Jireh

Global School of Ministry: Introducing Jehovah Jireh
Lesson 1

Over the past few days, the Lord has been tugging at my heart the fact that His people need to know that part of Him which is covered, misrepresented, and at times contentious when presented in a way that is out of balance.

It is not that the Great Potentate and Creator of the Universe and all that are therein needs any introduction. However, when we consider how men have severely misrepresented Him and used whatever aspect of Him to advance their fancy causes, the necessity for a holistic understanding of God becomes imperative.

Back of the muddled understanding of the goodness of God and His willingness to provide for and bless His saints are the conflicting perspectives of Him advanced and emphasized by two distinct religious camps:

On the one hand is, strangely, yet true, the Holiness Movement. The Holiness Movement has over the years tended to help God to recruit more souls into the Kingdom by emphasizing Him as the Law Giver and Judge, sitting on a Throne with a big frown, waiting with a sledge hammer to bludgeon those in His household who stray off His prescribed path.

This picture is reinforced by the supposition, which has become standard doctrine in many a holiness sect, that the only genuine reward a believer can expect in this world is to be kept holy and free of sin, counting the years, months, days and hours of life until the last breath is released. Then, the weary pilgrim wakes up on the other side of eternity to the embrace of Jesus and uncountable angels to enjoy the pastures of Beulah land with the saints triumphant. Poverty on earth is glorified as evidence of holiness and any talk of wealth, prosperity evinces uncomfortable groans and moans.

In many Third World nations, this rustic view of the lot of the believer as a rugged pilgrim who has absolutely no inheritance on this side of eternity is standard fare. Unfortunately, overseers of ministries in such places are living very comfortable lives, while their parishioners are barely scrapping by.

At the opposite side of the spectrum is the Prosperity Movement. Inspired by jet-setting preachers from America, this movement sought to glorify wealth to the degree that another gospel naturally evolved! Under their jaded understanding of the gospel, Jesus did all the suffering and dying so that we who He saved will do all the “enjoying” of the good life. Brethren were admonished to “go for it” with all passion and strength. As saints heeded this admonition, they made shipwreck of their faith with the out of balance preaching. Not a few were swept away by the spirit of the world when they “made it.” The so called "blessings of the Lord" became clearly something else, because sorrow of the spirit and soul followed those who claimed to be blessed.

There have been many cases of faithful brethren in Church getting breakthroughs in business which led to break-up of their marriages and breakdown of high spiritual values and ethical conduct. Many brethren who came into sudden wealth by applying the “keys of prosperity” they heard about, subsequently found their wives who had suffered and labored with them no longer attractive enough, and began to live double lives.

The prosperity movement has morphed into the Pseudo Kingdom Movement, offering a deadlier concoction to its unsuspecting victims. Saints are buying the logic that there is no need to look forward to the return of Jesus; that all there is to the Kingdom of God is here and now; that if only we can focus on “getting” the things of the Kingdom – security, peace and all other physical and psychological evidences of the Kingdom, we are fine.

Neither of these camps is correct! They mis-represent God, His Kingdom and essential nature. The Lord wants us to have a proper, biblical understanding of Himself as our Source and Provider. The Lord wants us to understand Him as a Covenant keeper and Care provider for His own.

We will explore the attribute of God as Jehovah Jireh. We will see the good God; the gracious and compassionate God who has a plan for His own in this present life and in the one to come. Let us stayed tuned to know Him, have our faith activated and pray through to receive all He has for us in the now.

In so doing, let us realize that God does not release blessings that will hurt our spiritual values as His own children and saints, or damage our personalities as citizens of the Kingdom. The whole object of God in blessing us to the overflowing dimension is to enable us to fulfil the very purpose for which He created, redeemed called us to be Ambassadors of Christ in this present life and co-heirs with Him in time and in eternity!

Tomorrow, we roll off! Stay tuned!
Please join us to pray for the 12 saints who will be released into ministry on Sunday by the Global School of Ministry in Elm Park, Hornchurch, London. Pray that God will make them truly fit for purpose in His vineyard. Pray for open heavens, fresh anointing and the evident presence of God at the event. Pray for definite activation of their gifts and callings and their impartation which gives impetus for fulfilment of life and ministry!

Pray also for senior ministers of Arise Metropolitan Assembly who the Lord wants released this season to pursue their primary callings and ministries. that they will hear clearly from Him and proceed with faith the way He is calling them to go. Pray with Zechariah 4:6-10 for them.

Please pray also that all Overseers and Senior Pastors world-wide will follow suit and release saints God has prepared to chart new or different paths in ministry!

Lift up my family before the Lord that He will specially protect us and provide all we need to fulfil the awesome assignment for which He has given us primal responsibility in leadership.

Pray that all saints who God has ordained to take their places in the unfolding global movement to reach every country with the true gospel of the Kingdom will take their places, doing just what God has ordained! If Lord says you are one of them, please send a note to me at

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