Global School of Ministry
Course 122 Women in Ministry #2
Course 122 Women in Ministry #2
Did Paul recognize, receive and promote the
Ministry of Women?
Ministry of Women?
Some people have wrongly branded Paul a woman hater or one who looked down on women. This assertion is simply not true. Paul made a consecration to remain celibate not because he did not like women but because it was a necessary sacrifice for fulfilment of his awesome assignment within the limited years God assigned to him on earth. By the grace of God, he successfully fulfilled his ministry while still in his 60’s and embraced death with joy! 1 Corinthians 7: 1,7, 8, 25,26, 29-33;2 Timothy 4: 6 – 8.
Paul recognized, received and promoted actively, the ministry of women. Paul was properly taken care of in various cities by holy women of God who recognised and supported his ministry. These include but are not limited to:
1. Priscilla. This woman and her husband Aquila were tent makers. In Corinth, they met with Paul and became part of a holy company of ministry partners Acts 18: 1-3. The next thing we hear of this remarkable couple is that they became instruments of making a true disciple out of Apollos, who was to become a notable Apostle! Acts 18: 24 – 26. In effect, Priscilla “taught a man” and was commended for doing so by Paul.
In Romans 16:3, 4, Paul describes the couple as “my co-workers in the ministry of Christ Jesus”. Paul took note of their remarkable ministry with him also in 1 Corinthians 16:19 and 2 Timothy 4:19. The couple were among those who built up the house church system and were the earliest practitioners of active couples in ministry Romans 16:5.
2.Phoebe. This remarkable woman was a Deacon in the Church at Cenchrea. She served so well and in total consecration that Paul sent an outstanding recommendation concerning her to the Church in Rome.
3.Mary, Tryphena, Tryphosa, Persis were part of the company of women who secured niches for being active co-laborers with Paul. Romans 16: 6, 12.
4.Junia, a woman, was recognized as an apostle and senior in the faith to Paul. Romans 16: 7.
5.Euodia and Synthyche were commended by Paul for labouring with him in the gospel. Philippians 4:2, 3.
Women and the Ministry of Jesus Christ
Before Paul, Jesus Christ received active ministry from women.
Mary, who God chose to be the Woman to bear the prophesied Seed of Genesis 3:15. She had the privilege of receiving a divine implant in her womb by the Holy Spirit Luke 1:26-35. The intricacy and sheer sensitivity of this spiritual operation signalled the end of the age old reproach which women hood bore for the original sin of Eve! By making the Messiah a Seed of the Woman and not a product of the seed (sperm) of a man, heaven was announcing that the sin gene was actually transmitted through Adam and the men after him! This conforms to the law of responsibility as was eloquently penned by Paul in Romans 5: 12 – 21. It is significant that God would complete dealing with Mary and later informed Joseph only when the pregnancy showed Matthew 1: 18 -25! God, please grant us wisdom to understand what you are saying in the now!
Throughout His ministry, Jesus broke all the barriers which the religious system set as barricades against women. Anna, the Old Prophetess was one of the first three outside Mary and Joseph to recognize who Jesus was Luke 2: 36 – 38. Before her, Elizabeth, mother of John the Baptist had recognized that the baby in the womb of Mary was not ordinary! Luke 1: 39 – 45. As Jesus grew up, He made clear to Mary and others that acceptance to God was not based on family pedigree but rather on acceptance of the Word He declared Mark 3: 31 -35.
Jesus allowed women to come the same way men came to Him. The woman with the issue of blood even touched the hem of His garments and was made whole. Mary and her sister Martha and Lazarus ministered to Him regularly, the way deaconess do. He ate freely in their house. Jesus related with women in a way no rabbi could. Even the woman of Samaria was shocked that she could have access to a Great Rabbi like Jesus! John 4: 1-26. Mary anointed His feet with costly oil of spikenard after washing them with her tears and drying with her hair, an act of strong devotion which scandalized the religious leaders who watched John 12: 1- 8. As a matter of fact, women were faithful to Christ till the very end, even when all but one of the men (John) fled. They were at the Cross when He paid the price of redemption John 19:25 – 27. On the day He rose from the dead, it was Mary Magdalene who had the privilege of seeing the One who had completed the redemption mission! John 20: 1- 18. In effect, when it came to the Great High Priest of the New Covenant, Jesus, it can be safely said that women had the first knowledge of His incarnation and were there at the Cross and were the first to see the risen Christ. It was no co-incidence! God was announcing a new order in which access to the Throne and a service to the King were no longer based on religious structures, gender or family inheritance but on the state of the heart! John 4: 21 – 24.
It is important to remember that the Old Tabernacle had compartments which were strictly conformed to. At the outermost was the court of gentiles followed by the Court of women. Thereafter was the Court of Israel which was accessible only to men. Thereafter, there was the Holy Place where only priests and Levites of the old Levitical priesthood could minister. A thick veil separated this place from the Most Holy or Holiest of Holies in which only the High Priest could enter, once a year to make atonement for the whole nation. It was in this last compartment that the Ark and Mercy Seat were located. It is significant that at His death, the very first thing that happened was the renting of the veil which signified exclusion! Matthew 27:50, 51. As if that were not enough, in AD 70, the invading army of General Titus completely destroyed the Temple as prophesied by Jesus on the Olivet discourse Matthew 24:1, 2.
Before the eyes of Israel, Jesus had just fulfilled all the Law and the Prophets! The Old Levitical Priesthood which was based on the principle of exclusion for which ONLY ABLE BODIED MEN(hunchbacks and others with any visible deformity on their legs or bodies were excluded) of the Tribe of Levi and the family lineage of Aaron were deemed qualified! In that Order, women could not be priests. Occasionally, God would throw up a Judge like Deborah or Prophetess who would declare His counsel.
Even unto today, very few people realize how mind boggling the assignment of Jesus was. He completely fulfilled everything that the Old Covenant required of mankind and then proceeded to institute the New Covenant based on better promises. The New Covenant was also based on a better and more inclusive priest hood – the Priest hood of all saints! In this new priest hood, your family background, gender, former life and all potential limitations do not count. What counts is summed up in John 1:12 – “As many as received Him, to them He gives Power to become the Sons of God” and John 3: 16 “you must be born again”. To be born again is a spiritual exercise requiring a change in the nature and primary loyalty of the human spirit. Ephesians 2:1-10.
Jesus came therefore not to foster a religious system or priestly construct but to announce the arrival of the long awaited Kingdom of God! In the Kingdom, God is Father and King of all those who accept the basis of the Kingdom which is the Blood that was shed by Jesus at the Cross. Such people become four things to Him: His Sons and His Citizens John 1:12; Galatians 3:26 – 29; Ephesians 1: 3-7, Ephesians 2: 11-19; His Priests and His Ambassadors 1 Peter 2: 9; Acts 1:8. The first two deal with their personal and legal relationships with Him while the last two deal with their strategic roles to those who are outside the Commonwealth of Israel, the Kingdom: sinners who have made themselves the new gentiles!
Please diligently read Hebrews chapters 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.
...To be continued. Please intercede for us to download all the Lord wishes to release in the now!
*Please share this download from the Lord freely! We do not copyright any revelation from God nor do we merchandise His message to His saints. Freely we receive and freely we share.
Our birthday falls due on Friday, November 26. For us, it is simply another opportunity to totally re-consecrate every moment we live and every strength, gift and grace in the service of God and His saints world-wide! As the Lord lays on our heart, this milestone of our pilgrimage on earth will be dedicated to giving full effect to a charge of the Lord to provide printed resources and books for distribution to saints in nations where they are urgently needed.
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