Tuesday, December 21, 2010

9 Imperatives for those called to the Kingdom Market Place

 Global School of Ministry
Course 121 #6

Over the weekend, I had the privilege of undertaking a short mission to Italy with Minister Patrice. Our main base was the city of Padova, one of the religious strongholds of Italy (where the great shrine of “Saint Anthony “is located). As Pastor Godwin drove us back to the Venice Treviso Airport, he shared some profound insights into what was happening beneath the surface: The Chinese are coming! The Chinese, he averred, were fanning out over Italy, buying properties and setting up factories to produce goods. This same story is replicated in many western nations including the United States!

As he spoke, the Lord tugged at my heart to see a bigger picture: the Chinese have an economic model they believe is superior to the Western economic model (Capitalism). Across the world, Red China is rising, flexing its muscles. With trade unions making manufacturing in the West expensive, the wily capitalists of the West did not take long to figure that they could outsource production to the rugged Chinese on low pay and still make huge profits with the goods imported to their own countries! Today, most things used in the Western world are made in China. As the Western entrepreneurs smiled to the bank, they had no idea that they were arming China and strengthening her. Today, China is not content to just be the world’s factory! China is rising and alarm bells are ringing in the West. In mining, Oil and gas; Information Communications Technology; medicine and indeed about everything, China is intent on flaunting the superiority of its economic system! Through its economic system and power, China is hoping to become the world Super power within a few decades! Red China believes that this is achievable because it is faced with capitalist competitors whose nations and systems are decaying and imploding due to class distinctions fighting for dwindling resources.

Beyond China, Muslim nations of the Middle East are utilizing their stupendous wealth to buy up choice real estate in the Western World as well as convert their hitherto desert nations into oasis of luxury which will suck in the wealth of the nations. The success of Dubai as a top tourist destination and now the unexpected success of Qatar as world cup hosts for 2022 reveal the extent to which Muslim nations have succeeded in using money to advance their interests in a world that used to be hostile to their religion. The real deal is beyond all these however! As we speak, Islamic nations are putting together an alternative model of banking and economics based on the Quaran. Islamic Banking is based on Islamic law which bars the faithful from charging interest on loans. Today, many so called “Christian nations” in Africa are falling for the bait of no interest loans in return for allowing Muslims to build schools, hospitals and beautiful mosques. Through economic activities, Islam is being spread into regions of the world where it could not have had any chance of acceptance through normal proselytizing!

The point we are making is this: Western economics is failing and will crumble under the weight of its inherent contradictions! Western Economics which is the science of managing scarcity amidst a burgeoning population needs a redeemer! That redeemer is Kingdom Economics! God will raise and empower saints in the Market Place who will operate and flourish by these timeless principles:

• 1. They will be saints who acknowledge God in His triple officer as Creator, Redeemer and Owner of their lives. They acknowledge that they are bought with the priceless Blood of the Lamb and live because He who is their life dwells in them by His Spirit 1 Corinthians 6:19, 20.
• 2. For the above reason, they come first to a position of entire surrender to God and consciously enthrone Jesus Christ as Lord of their lives. He is not just Saviour who takes them to eternity when they die but is the Lord who determines how they live on earth and all that they do in private and public and in how they conduct business. They make a covenant of sacrifice with their Lord. Psalm 50:5; Romans 12:1
• 3. These saints dare not do anything or engage in any activity without the express instruction, direction and guidance of the Holy Spirit who is the present manifestation of Divinity in them.
• 4. When God by His Holy Spirit leads them into business, the professions, employment in the corporate world, the civil or public service or creative pursuits, all that they do is as unto Him and for His glory! They therefore will not engage in speech or sales pitch/promotion/ advertising which are remotely deceptive, misleading or proud. Colossians 3:17, 23-25.

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