Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Biblical Basis of Women in Ministry

Global School of Ministry
Course 122: Women in Ministry - #3

What is the biblical basis of women to function in ministry?
Isaiah 28: 10,13

Having laid this foundation, we now need to come into the core of the subject matter. This, we shall do straightaway, trusting God for His will to be expressly stated. A systematic exposition of the Word will reveal the following:

1. There is no biblical basis for the age old concept that women are inherently inferior to men. The notion that the woman was an afterthought of God flies in the face of a true understanding of the intent and purpose of God. It is necessary to go back to Genesis chapter 1: 26 – 29 which defines why God created mankind. We see there that:
  • Genesis 1:27 indicates that God clearly had the male and female gender in view when He decided to create mankind.
  • The dominion mandate of man was over all the creation such as animals, plants, fishes and the environment was equally given to male and female.
  • Mankind was to be fruitful, reproduce and fill the earth. Since the male cannot reproduce alone neither are the created beings allowed to cross breed, God had to create the woman out of the man. Genesis 2 18 – 21.
  • The process of creating the woman was clearly of additional skill on the part of God to bring forth additional refinement in the woman that emerged. Rather than create the woman out of raw earth, she made as a refinement from the rough hewn Adam. This accounts for why women tend to have greater sensitivity to things of the spirit and thus flow easier in the prophetic realm. Genesis 2: 21, 22.
  • In effect, the woman is the man with the womb or the womb man! The capacity to receive, incubate and bring forth seed at maturity is an inherent gift of God in the woman to play a crucial role in advancing the divine cause on planet earth.
  • The deception of Eve by Satan was because of realization that the best way to truncate the plan of God for mankind to increase and multiply was to trip over the one with the womb! While Paul acknowledged that Eve was the one who fell first in 1 Timothy 2:14, he also acknowledged the fundamentally flawed gross irresponsibility of Adam. Romans 5:12 – 21.
  • A careful reading of Genesis 3: 1 – 6 shows that Adam was present when Satan tempted Eve. In the law of responsibility as a covering, Adam failed to resist Satan and protect Eve!

2. The incarnation of Christ through the womb of a woman, Mary, was God’s own way of wiping off the age old blame on womanhood and their demonization by religious folks for the fall of man at the Garden of Eden. It must be borne in mind that God laid the foundation of this vindication when He told Satan that the SEED of the Woman (who he tricked) would crush his head! The Lord went on to make it clear that the Messiah would indeed come through a process that would exclude the seed of man. In effect, man was the carrier of the sin gene through semen. The womb of the woman could be sanctified and made holy as a vessel through which the purpose of God will be fulfilled. Genesis 3:15; Isaiah 7: 14; Isaiah 9: 6, 7; Luke 1:26 – 35.

3. Jesus brought forth a revolutionary message of the Kingdom of God. That Kingdom is to be populated by a new race, a breed of humans who will not be known by such objective classifications as gender, age, racial and ethnic back ground. This radical gospel was one which would give everyone a chance to make a choice which God respects: the choice to receive Him and His Kingdom unto acceptance or reject same unto condemnation. Matthew 4:17; John 1:12, 17; John 3:16

4. Jesus came to fulfil all the rites of passage which religion represented. His ministry and death put to an end the following:
  •  A priesthood that was essentially ethnic and gender based. That Levitical prieshood was exclusive to the sons of Aaron who were men and had no physical deformity! The death of Christ effectively put an end to that order and instituted a new one. Hebrews chapter 5: 1 – 14; Chapter 6:13 – 20; Chapter 7: 1-28; Chapter 8: 1-13; chapter 9: 28.At His death, the veil which represented the ultimate limitation to the Presence of God of God was rent into two indicating that a new way of access had been consecrated through His broken body! Matthew 27:51; Hebrews 10:19 – 22.
  • Demonization of women. In the Old Covenant, women had limited access to religious leaders. That is why the Pharisees were scandalized when they saw Mary Madgalene anoint Jesus! Jesus extolled her actions. John 12: 1-8. The woman with the issue of Blood was able to press through the crowd and touch the hem of His garments. Women actively ministered to Jesus throughout his earthly life and stuck to him at the Cross and even in death!

5. The New Priesthood that Christ came to institute was to be based entirely on release of spiritual gifts and other graces which saints receive from the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit comes into the spirit man of saints and operates from that realm. As a matter of fact, the correct definition of ministry is “EXPRESSION of what we are IMPRESSED with by the Holy Spirit. The spirit man of saints is neither male nor female. Both the office Gifts of Jesus Christ (Ephesians 4:11,12); The Gifts released by God(Romans 12: 3-8) and the gifts of the Holy Spirit in Romans 12: 1- 14 are all received in the spirit realm! Ephesians 4:7 and 1 Peter 4: 10, 11 when taken together reveal that every saint has received one or more spiritual gifts from God! The ministry paradigm of the Kingdom of God for ministry at the present time is this: whoever has the gift needed should release it to meet the needs of saints!

..To be continued. Please uphold us to receive all that God wants to say in the now!

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