Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Kingdom Economics

 Global School of Ministry
Course 121 #5
Saints called to the market place are instruments in the hand of God for establishing and manifesting His Kingdom Economic Model. Any one who claims to be a market place minister but has the mindset of the exploitative and money driven scarcity management model of the world is an impostor! The charge of the Lord is: "come out of Babylon"! Let us therefore revisit what the Lord revealed in GSoM Course 125.

Kingdom Economics
One big shame that is upon the kingdom movement is the laziness to discover the full extent of our identity and the responsibilities God expects from us. We need to go beyond agitation-propaganda and tossing around the term “Kingdom” carelessly while living according to the dictates of the Satan controlled world economic system! The truth, pure and simple is that true saints of the Kingdom of God are those who have responded to the call of God to come out of the world system and embrace their true and full identity as citizens of His own Kingdom. John 17: 9-18; 2 Corinthians 6:14-18; Ephesians 2: 1-13; Colossians 1: 12 – 18; Colossians 2: 13 – 15; 1 John 2: 15 – 17; 1 John 5: 19-21.

In this scenario, God is the Sovereign Ruler over His people offering them everything that pertain to life and godliness. These include righteousness; peace and security; the joy of connecting with and to Him and His own type of prosperity, based on His own kind of economic system, amongst others. Romans 14: 17-19; 2 Peter 1:3.

In effect, though we are physically in this present world, we are not really of it. We are primarily citizens of the Kingdom of God and then citizens of the nation where He planted us as His own ambassadors! This dual citizenship is at the heart of any proper understanding of the paradox of the Kingdom of God in this present time. John 17: 15,16.

The Jews are a typical example of a people who understand dual citizenship. It does not matter where a Jew finds him or herself on planet earth, it is branded deep down in the psyche that one is first and foremost, a Jew with a non negotiable commitment to the peace of Jerusalem and well being of Israel. Flowing from that consciousness, the Jew literally works under the weight of the burden to be a sent one from God to the gentile nation where he or she is planted. The Jew realizes, even as a youth, that to excel in his/her business, profession and contribute to the advancement of civilization will only bring empowerment which will ultimately be passed on as goodwill and blessings for Israel and other Jews. This unwritten law in the heart of all true Jews was branded in them by God through the years. This is why Jewish communities are tightly knit till today.

Having said that, we must now address the fact that every Kingdom has a policy towards economic activities and instruments, including money. The monetary policies of nations and groups of nations vary. The Federal Reserve of America pursues a monetary policy which is opposite that of China. Even among allies such as the United States and United Kingdom, their monetary policies at this present time are worlds apart largely because the various governments at The White House and No. 10 Downing Street are pursuing opposite economic policies.

Jesus Himself pointedly drove home this notion of a disconnect between the world and His Kingdom in terms of goals, policies and styles on a number of occasion. In the case of payment of Temple Tax, Jesus asked Peter a question on how the kings of the earth set out their tax policies Matthew 17:24, 25. In Matthew 20: 20 – 28, Jesus took exception at the worldly concept of leadership which manifested in the way the sons of Zebedee and their mother lobbied for the positions of honour in His Kingdom. He then went on to contrast the world’s concept of leadership with His own Kingdom concept.

In the world, money is idolized. In the world, money is a master so much so that the more of it you have, the more comfortable, secure, powerful and happy you are. For this reason, the world economic system encourages you to ‘go for it’. By this is meant, “get it, with all your strength and as much as you can”. In the process, human rights of people are violated. Employees are basically used to make huge profits which the entrepreneur uses to live the ‘good life’. Stripped bare of all pretensions, the world economic model is meant to empower the stronger, richer and more cunning.

This is why there has been a massive exploitation of natural resources of primitive peoples and tribes by more developed people and nations. The wealth of many countries was built by a systematic exploitation of the ignorance of tribal chiefs in Africa, Asia and the original first nations of the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Southern Africa. Till today, generations of people from the exploited tribes wallow in abject poverty while off springs of their exploiters have secure funds and assets running into billions of dollars that are programmed to last ad infinitum.

This systemic injustice has been covered by layers of ‘Christian religion’ to produce what we call western economic models. Those economic models are based on the concept of economics as the science of managing scarcity. Western economics postulates that the resources of the world are static or diminishing while the population is ever increasing. Consequently, there is a need to study the contrasts between limited supply and ever increasing demand. This ‘scarcity management model’ is what triggers off the pristine instincts of man to acquire as much as he can for self preservation!

Kingdom economics proposes a contrary concept. Kingdom economics first recognizes that God made heaven and earth. Being an intelligent God, He provided sufficient natural resources to sustain human life until Jesus will return to rule and reign over this earth. Flowing from this postulation, Kingdom economics says that God has a specific, tailor made purpose for all His creation. However, because of the rebellion of Adam, all mankind comes into this world with an original seed of that rebellion running in their veins. Consequently, man would normally tend to what gratifies the flesh and self until he comes into a life changing acceptance of the gospel of the Kingdom.

Those who come into this life changing transition from darkness to light are now expected to accept certain imperatives concerning the economic system the King has put in place to provide and care for them in this present life, preceding when they will experience the fullness of His providence in the hereafter. These imperatives are as follows:
• The God we serve is creator, controller and owner of the entire universe. He has everything figured out and until Jesus returns, has set out how to sustain all who are called by His name.
• All saints who make God and His Kingdom a priority have a secure provision for their real needs. Matthew 6:25 – 34; 2 Peter 1:3
• God is the source of all blessings for the redeemed. He has however ordained for us to engage in specific jobs, businesses, professions, activities He already has ordained to use as channels to bless us.
• Through prayers and faith we come into understanding of the various channels of blessing ordained for us. Matthew 7: 7 – 11. In other words, a saint should never enter into any business, profession or activity based on what he/she heard, feels or saw other people do. Doing likewise will take such a saint outside the will of God.
• There are those God has set apart as instruments of bringing in plenty who will become channels of bringing in large volume of money. Such people will understand that theirs is a divinely assigned role which they will accept with joy. 1 Timothy 6: 17 -19.
• In effect, not every saint will be rich in this present life. However, if they are saints indeed and have a contented heart, all they need for sustenance has been provided. 1 Timothy 6:6-8.
• God has enough to meet all our NEED but not enough for all our GREED!

...To be continued. Please feel free to share these truths! There is no copyright restriction on the revelations freely given by God for His Kingdom through the Global School of Ministry.

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