Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Success in Market Place Ministry

Global School of Ministry
Course 121 #4 continued......

Snares And Pitfalls Of Market Place Ministry
1. Satan plays on the mind to downgrade marketplace ministry’s importance so that people of God do not esteem it as highly as they should. This can lead to unfulfillment and compromise - 2 Corinthians 10:3-6.

2. Ambition can cause some to pursue things not assigned to them in the name of God – Romans 12:3.

3. Tendency may rise to do marketplace ministry casually and with less consecration as pulpit ministry in terms of prayer, study of the word, meditation and seriousness of purpose.

4. Love of money may become a snare. This occurs when those called to the Market Place forget that God is their source and He demands their primary affection and attention. When their focus shifts to the git and not the giver, idolatry sets in and the love of money becomes the driving force of what they do. – 1 Timothy 6:3-10.

5. Pride and hubris may creep in which God hates passionately. The very tool which God puts in their hand to expand His Kingdom – money – may cause them to be filled with a false sense of power over other people. The consequent pride may offend God who can bring them down. - Proverbs 16:18; James 4:6.

6. Unhealthy independence from kingdom leaders and other brethren. Genuine market place leaders are supposed to maintain an organic and vibrant relationship with leaders in the Five fold and intercessors God will assign to cover them and speak into their lives. Daniel functioned this way with the other three Hebrew children. Zerubbabel functioned this way with the Prophet Zechariah. The result was great success!.

7. Lack of submission to any authority in the Church – Romans 13:1-7; Hebrews 13:7.

 Divine Provision for Success in Market Place Ministry
God has blessed His children with all things that pertain to life and godliness - 2 Peter 1:3. For a specific assignment such as life in the marketplace the Lord has provided for this graces and virtues through which success can be achieved. As in other issues of life, God requires the active yieldedness of His saints as He works out divine capacity in their lives - Philippians 1:6; Philippians 2:13. Some of these provisions are:

1. Understanding of the impact and place of marketplace ministry in God’s end time agenda as a springboard of the saints movement - 1 Peter 2:9, Revelation 1:6; Revelation 5.

2. Wisdom which enables us to know the mind of God concerning situations of life - Proverbs 3:35, Proverbs 4:5-9.

3. Discipline. Those who will excel in the marketplace must of necessity bring their soul and body under subjection to their spirit man which in turn should be wholly yielded to the Holy Spirit. Discipline enables a believer to plan and organise and in the process be on top of situations by the Spirit. Discipline extends to appetite, use of the tongue and being circumspect when surrounded by those who do not believe - Proverbs 25:28; James 1:26; James 3:1-12.

4. Favour. This enables us to be preferred for promotion or for acceptance. Favour is a powerful facility for success in the marketplace as we will be competing for space with many people who serve different gods - Psalm 5:12; Proverbs 3:3-4.

5. Divine Connection. With favour comes another closely related provision for success: divine connections. Most things God will do for His saints involve use of a human vessel to dispense the blessing. Connecting us to people who have the solution to what we need or who have the information that will bring light to a dark situation is a very great provision of God. This is why good market place ministries are encouraged to develop the fine spiritual exercise of making and maintaining good relationships with those who God will bring their way.

...To be continued. Please intercede for us to download all that the Lord wants to say to His saints in the now!

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