As we count down to the end of 2010, many saints are on the way to perdition because they have allowed themselves to travel a route that leads to treasonable felony against Him. Let us consider this issue which is so important that God would issue a red alert:
High Treason & the Kingdom of God
Every Kingdom has a set of rules which indicate acceptable and unacceptable behaviour of its citizens. The rules are meant to be obeyed. Those who obey live in peace and enjoy the benefice of the ruler. Those who disobey received the wrath of the ruler either and due punishment.
In eternity past the Kingdom of God suffered an infraction when one day the anointed Cherub who covered the very Throne of God decided he was no longer content to play that privileged role. Lucifer, as he then was, decided in his diseased heart and mind that he would dethrone God and take over ruler ship of the Kingdom! Unknown to Lucifer, one of the attributes of God is Omniscience. By this is meant the supreme ability to know all things, including the hearts and minds of all things He created. Before Lucifer could execute his infernal plans , God dispatched another angel of similar rank, Michael, to cast him out of Heaven. The nature of the now fallen Lucifer changed. His great wisdom became corrupted to extreme craftiness. His great beauty which was part of what caused him to be full of pride became corrupted to be an instrument of seduction. Being found unfit for heaven, he became Satan, an enemy of God and cast out of that hallowed environ.
It must be noted that God, in His fore knowledge and in the exercise of His supreme will decided that Satan was not worth a second chance. No grace or mercy was extended to him therefore. In due course of time, when time is swallowed up in eternity, we shall be perfected in knowledge and then shall we understand all things. It is important that the redeemed of the Lord should understand the High Treason is not a modern day construct! Read Isaiah 14: 12-17 and Ezekiel 28:11- 15 to understand the deconstruction of Lucifer and punishment for his high treason.
Adam & Eve: When God created Adam and Eve, He put in place a simple set of Laws to govern their lifestyle and assignment as managers of His creation. When they committed treasonable felony, Adam and Eve lost their first estate and had to live a life of back breaking hard labour. Thank God that He did not altogether give up on mankind! Even then at the dawn of history and time, God made ample provision for the Lamb who was slain before the foundation of this world to manifest in due season. Please read the whole of Genesis chapters 1, 2, 3 to understand these things in detail.
Noah’s Generation: By the time of Noah, the wickedness of humans and their treasonable felonies had become so uncontrollable that the only worthwhile solution was total destruction of the entire corrupt creation. Only one family – Noah, his wife, sons and their wives were saved! Genesis chapters 6, 7 & 8 are worthy of detailed study. After the flood, God crystallized His Kingdom mandate for man to rest on a simple principle of law which should undergird all human activities for all of time until time became abolished when laws will not be needed. That was the twin precept known as the Law of Sowing & Reaping and Times & Seasons.
Tower of Babel: It was not too long after that another case of high treason occurred. It was the matter of the Tower of Babel. There, men decided they would not obey the charge to increase, multiply and fill the earth. They decided to seek out God and possibly unseat Him! What audacity, you may say. God was to admit that the enormous creative powers of synergy/unity He blessed man with could well be put to use even in contrary ways! As punishment, He confounded man there in a swift judgement that led to the emergence of mutually distinct tongues and tendencies of men to fan out over the earth! Read Genesis chapter 11: 1-9.
The Most Critical Acts of Treasonable Felony in the New Covenant
Having laid the foundation of events before time in the heaven, since the dawn of time in Eden, let us skip the familiar phase of God’s dealing with Israel in the Old Covenant and move into the New Covenant. Some so called teachers have misled many to believe that in the New Covenant, there are no rules because we have full “liberty”. What hogwash! Galatians 5:13 says “for you brethren have been called to liberty; only do not use liberty as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another”. 1 Peter 2:16 went further to say “as free, yet not using liberty as a cloak of vice, but as bondservants of God”. The New Testament offers an interesting paradox. We are set free by the Blood but we willingly take the yoke of Christ as bond servants in order to experience a rare level of true liberty!
These sins constitute the most critical treasonable acts:
1. Sin against the Word of God. The Word of God is to be prayerfully studied, meditated on, understood and rightly divided in order to receive the whole counsel of God. That is one of the reason it warns that novices should not be put into formal leadership lest their poor understanding of the Word become a snare to those who hear them (1 Timothy 3:6).
Jesus made it clear that attitude to His Word will dictate how people will live and what their end shall be. Matthew 7: 24-27. At the very end of the Bible, the charge of the Lord says “For I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecies of this book: if any one adds to these things, God will add to him the plagues that are written in this book; and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part from the Book of Life, from the holy city and from the things which are written in this book (Revelation 22: 18,19). People sin against the Word of God when they
- Handling the Word of God deceitfully. Taking the word of God out of context to meet a predetermined objective of nullifying the intent and provisions of the Word.
- Trying to make young saints or those who are unstable to abandon the Word of God and accept humanistic or demonic doctrines which feed their innate desires to live the way they want. In the last days this will be rampant. 1 Timothy 4:1,2; 2 Timothy 3: 1-9.
- Denouncing clear truths in the Bible because the preacher or teacher does not live up to the standards required, has no intention to do so and wants to create an empire out of those who hear him/her with unbiblical rules as the basis.
Rewards: Whoever purports to be in the Kingdom of God or purports to be a teacher and sets aside clear provisions of the Word in order to advance a hidden commercial agenda or acquire fame as a man/woman of wisdom has actually denied Jesus and will have no part in the true Kingdom of God except there is deep repentance first in the secret and open restitution to those he/she has deceived in times past. Anyone who builds his or her kingdom life so called on such blatant lies or subtle errors has no foundation in Christ. Both teachers and students of these tendencies are hell bound! God is no respecter of persons.
2. Denial of the Divinity of Jesus Christ. Anyone who denies the clear facts of scripture concerning the true identity of Jesus Christ as very God and very man has committed treasonable felony against the King of the Kingdom. Such a one is anathema and shall receive due reward in time and in eternity. Such people are not in the faith and are dangerous agents of Satan! Everything concerning redemption is hinged on the simple truth that when God could not find anything qualified to take away the original sin of Adam and bring many sons to glory, the incarnation and Virgin birth was deemed the only viable option! Jesus is not just another prophet. He is not just a messenger from God. He is not just the Son of God. He is not just the King of the Kingdom. Jesus is much more: God who came to dwell amongst His people as Immanuel! This full identity of Jesus Christ has been amply articulated in GSoM Course 102: Understanding Jesus Christ. Please an email to asking for a full teaching note and it will be sent to you. be continued as part of the process of getting ready for 2011
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