Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Market Place Ministry - Models in the Bible

Global School of Ministry 
Course 121 Marketplace Ministry #3

Models in the Bible
Old Testament
• Bezalel and Aholiab were used to construct the exquisite designs of the Tabernacle and its furnishings. God did not commission Moses the Pulpit Minister and Apostle to Israel to do the work, rather He anointed Bezalel and Aholiab filling them with the Holy Spirit to function in the fullness of wisdom, understanding, knowledge and all manner of workmanship. Working in the strength of that anointing they were able to deliver what God had shown to Moses on the Mountain - Exodus 31:1-11, 35:30-35, 36:1-7, 37:1-29.

• Joseph never served in the temple. His life was powered by his spiritual gift of dreaming and interpreting dreams. His gift made a way for him right to the top where he served as Prime Minister in Egypt. He was gifted with a prophetic mantle but was fulfilled in government and administration, managing the complex economy of the greatest empire of his time – Egypt. Through his faithfulness to the marketplace ministry committed to him Joseph was used of the Lord to safeguard Israel from famine. For his faithfulness Joseph earned two portions out of the 12 portions of Israel – Ephraim and Manasseh. See Genesis 37; Genesis Chapters 39- 50.

• Joshua graduated from serving Moses as a protégé to become the leader of all Israel. His predominant calling was not in performing sacrifices in the temple but in fighting wars, taking territories and dividing up Canaan as an inheritance for the people of Israel. He was a quintessential marketplace minister with a combined apostolic mandate over the nation of Israel. See the book of Joshua.

• Daniel was one of the greatest prophets of all time. Yet his place of ministry was the marketplace and not the temple. Daniel was anointed with wisdom, understanding, prophetic insight and administrative acumen of a very high order. He served as a President and Chief Adviser to Emperors of Babylon and Medo-Persia. Daniel was living proof that God requires a high level of consecration from those called to marketplace ministry - Daniel 1:8. A study of the whole book of Daniel will show how a man functioned as a Prophet and Market place minister seamlessly. His prophetic gifting and ability to interpret dreams brought him great favour and recognition which paved the way for him to be accepted to fulfil the temporal mandate as an effective leader of men and materials.

• Mordecai functioned as an elder at the gate and later as a presidential adviser. He was not a temple (pulpit) minister. His diligence at the gate enabled him to be used of God to foil a coup plot against the King which was in turn used by the Lord to make a way for him to be promoted to high political office. His diligence at the gate also caused him to put to good use the information that Queen Vashti’s crown was vacant. He seized on the opening to encourage his protégé Esther to put herself forward to be Queen. See the book of Esther Chapters 2, 4, 6, 9, 10.

• Esther was Queen to the Persian King Ahasuerus. As an exceptional vessel God used her to save the Jews from the wicked plot of Haman. She was a marketplace minister who was so successful that after thousands of years, the Purim festival observed by the Jews speaks of how effective she was in fulfilling the purpose of God. See the Book of Esther.

• Nehemiah was the chief cup bearer or aide-de-camp of the Persian King, Artaxerxes when news came to him of the desolate state of Jerusalem. His love of God and His chosen people drove him to sacrifice all to lead a band of exiles back to the Promised Land to rebuild the walls of the city. He was living proof that God can use a minister in the marketplace to achieve awesome results that will affect many generations. See the book of Nehemiah.

• Zerubbabel was the governor of Judah after the exiles returned. He led the team of returnees who took over the assignment of rebuilding the temple at Jerusalem which had been abandoned. By working closely with the key pulpit ministers raised in that generation, namely Zechariah, Zerubbabel drew sufficient encouragement and strength to complete the assignment in record time - Zechariah 4:6-10. be continued. Please uphold us as we position to download all of what God is saying concerning Ministry in the Market Place!

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