Saturday, December 11, 2010

Definition & Biblical Basis of Marketplace Ministry

Global School of Ministry
Course 121 Marketplace Ministry #2

The Last Theatre of true evangelism: not in buildings or crusade grounds but the market place!

The whole purpose of the last reformation movement is to cause the true saints, who collectively are the Church of Jesus Christ, living out His Kingdom life to come to a full understanding of the purpose of God. A critical pillar on which the reformation movement will stand is the restoration of the truth which religion has tried to hide: the central theatre of the end time battle will not be fought inside the religious buildings called “churches” to which the so called clergy invite a dormant laity to come with their unbelieving friends and relatives. The place at which the greatest and true revival and evangelism will take place is the very arena which Satan caused the religious world to brand as unholy “secular space” or “the Market Place”.

What is Market Place Ministry?
Let us begin by attempting to define these two terms and then bring them together to see the big picture for this neglected powerhouse of the end time Kingdom Church:

Marketplace – The place where supposedly “carnal” or temporal issues of this life are transacted. These include the place of business; professional activity, employment; creative pursuit.
Ministry – The business of serving God and man; the process of dispensing the life of Christ and the presence and power of God. Ministry is also the process of expressing (bringing forth) what we are impressed with (spiritual gifts and other divinely endowed capacities) by the Holy Spirit.

Marketplace ministry therefore refers to all forms of ministry that are conducted in the normal course of life outside the pulpit and the four walls of religious buildings, congregational worship or public ministry rallies. Marketplace Christians are therefore brethren in business, the professions, academia, public and civil service or engage in such creative pursuits as writers, artistes. Saints who are called to politics and governance are in the Market place. These people dedicate their lives and work to the Lord to bring forth His glory and fulfil His purpose. They do this consciously in the understanding that they are fulfilling their ambassadorial assignments in the Kingdom through their day to day lives and business activities - Jeremiah 29:11; Romans 12:1-2.

Market Place Ministry
therefore ministry conducted in so called “secular” space. It is the exercise of ministry at ground zero level – where the saints are in and through the normal exercise of their business, professions or work as civil and public servants. be continued.

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1 comment:

  1. Interesting! My wife and I are practicing lawyers in the Philippines. We are Christians. We are interested in the Marketplace Ministry. Thanks
